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08/13/19 6:55 AM

#49389 RE: BenK #49388

wow. I am not going to say more ;) thanks BenK, hope all is well
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09/24/19 2:03 AM

#49400 RE: BenK #49388

MZEIQ: "You think that post was bad"

Punters may have bought MZEI stock based on this BS from Mick Shannon

... AsepticSure cleans an entire room and everything in it including carpets, curtains, walls and ceilings. It can actually clean any room to a level equal to or higher than the surgical equipment used in operations, 6 -7 logs.

-------------------- has been asked several times in this forum if Xenex is a threat to AsepticSure

Ole Mick was unable to join the dots...



NOT ONE (1) SALE TO A HOSPITAL NOR ONE (1) HOSPITAL SERVICE CONTRACT HAD BEEN REPORTED, WORLDWIDE (The manufacture of the first production Device was announced back in April 2012)



US EPA - Pesticide Product Label (excerpts)

Ozone can be corrosive. Repeated use of the AsepticSure TM Disinfection System can over time cause minor corrosive damage to ozone-sensitive materials or equipment. Ensure where possible that all such materials are removed from the environment before beginning an AsepticSure Disinfection Cycle (see Table 3).

WARNING: Because the gas formula is highly oxidative, care must be taken that the room to be disinfected be appropriate and compatible.Any sensitive equipment that may be adversely affected by ozone or hydrogen peroxide should be removed from the room prior to the start of a disinfection cycle.

Contraindications and Material Compatibility
WARNING: Ozone can be corrosive and is poisonous in high quantities.
Hydrogen peroxide at high concentrations can be corrosive.


United States Patent 9,616,145
Shannon, et al. April 11, 2017

Example 10

Experiments conducted to simulate the problems commonly faced in most modern hospitals related to decontaminating textiles such as carpets and drapes have clearly demonstrated the superior efficacy of direct pressurized air flow over a more static gaseous environment. An apparatus as diagrammatically illustrated in the accompanying FIG. 5 was used. A chamber 100, closed while the experiments were in progress, contained near one end a frame 102 holding a layer (disc) 104 of fibrous drape material (sterile cotton gauze), impregnated with MRSA and dried so that a biofilm formed. Ozone rich atmosphere is fed into the chamber. An electrical fan 106 with rotary blades 108 was disposed 3 cm from the gauze, so as to blow gases within the chamber through the gauze at high velocity, to cause physical agitation of the gauze. A dish 110 containing an exposed, similarly impregnated gauze 112 was disposed near the other end of the chamber 100, so that it was exposed to essentially static atmosphere in the chamber. A control gauze, which was similarly impregnated but received no treatment, was also evaluated.

The results are reported in Table 1 below. In Table 1, columns A, B, C and D are the results at 10 fold serial dilutions, obtained by standard procedure. Results measured on gauzes subjected to physical agitation are recorded as "direct". Those on the gauzes in essentially static atmosphere are recorded as "indirect".

In all instances, the combination of 80 ppm ozone and 1% H.sub.2O.sub.2 at a relative humidity of 80% with an exposure time of 30 minutes proved superior to all other combinations including 1% H.sub.2O.sub.2 with no ozone and 80 ppm ozone with no H.sub.2O.sub.2. In these experiments the methodology utilized with respect to microbiological procedures was the same as that described above for other experiments. Accordingly it has been concluded that in order to achieve a 6-7 log bacterial kill in hospital environments wherein carpets and other textiles are commonly found, an ozone/H.sub.2O.sub.2 pressure applicator or physical agitator is essential. Based on the experiments provided and other research, the incremental improvement in bacterial kill achievable through a pressure applicator is in the order of 2-3 logs (100-1000.times. greater).

TABLE-US-00001 TABLE 1 C D E A B Ozone H202 EXP F G H I J K Run # Organism (PPM) (%) (min) Humidity Disc A B C D L Control MRSA 0 0 0 0 Control TNTC 180 2 0 1 MRSA 80 1 30 80 1 0 0 0 0 Direct 2 MRSA 80 1 30 80 2 77 11 2 1 Indirect 3 MRSA 0 0 60 80 3 TNTC TNTC 181 12 Direct 4 MRSA 0 0 60 80 4 TNTC 233 21 3 Indirect 5 MRSA 0 1 60 80 5 220 34 0 0 Direct 6 MRSA 0 1 60 80 6 245 112 0 0 Indirect 7 MRSA 0 1 90 80 7 134 10 2 0 Direct 8 MRSA 0 1 90 80 8 112 17 3 0 Indirect 9 MRSA 80 0 30 80 9 43 14 0 0 Direct 10 MRSA 80 0 30 80 10 112 15 3 0 Indirect 11 MRSA 0 1 90 80 11 86 12 0 0 Direct 12 MRSA 0 1 90 80 12 136 54 0 0 Indirect