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08/13/19 8:58 PM

#985 RE: cvbtech #984

Here's how bad things have gotten:

Any third parties who would like to determine how bad things have gotten with regards to Cardiovascular Biotherapeutics (CVBT) should take a look at message #984.

In spite of the fact that PUBLICLY AVAILABE COURT RECORDS (linked below) 100% contradict the falsehoods that CVBT's supporters anonymously promote here (or is it the company's leadership itself?--no one knows who's behind this disinformation), the anonymous lies continue to be promoted. The brazenness of the dishonesty is astonishing.

I don't believe in debating anonymous trolls and I'm not going to start. I put verifiable FACTS and information out there, and it speaks just fine for itself.

The truth is, the CEO of Cardiovascular Biotherapeutics, Calvin Wallen III, is being sued by the U.S. federal government Bankruptcy Trustee for Tauren Exploration Inc. for having allegedly stolen $14 million from Tauren, the company he was running (into bankruptcy) prior to becoming the CEO of CVBT, and of allegedly falsifying documents and submitting them to the bankruptcy court to cover up his alleged theft. All of this was discovered by forensic accountants hired by the Bankruptcy Trustee. Further, in the case the U.S. government lays out in the complaint and subsequent filings, they show the dates, amounts, and recipients of the alleged illegal transfers of funds from Tauren for which there are no valid business reasons according to the forensic accountants. It's astonishing to read the detail the government provides in making its case against Mr. Wallen and the related entitites he controls. The feds obviously subpoenad the banks and got their records. That's serious stuff.

But don't take my word on any of this. Read the public court documents for yourself if you suspect I'm making any of this up or not accurately portraying the situation. The public court documents tell a very different story than anonymous posts of CVBT's and/or Calvin Wallen's supporters on this message board, who state the OPPOSITE of what the U.S. government says. That's why we have a judge and a forum to resolve the matter, to determine the truth of the situation. Except in my opinion, this case looks more like a mauling. It will be extremely interesting to hear what sort of defense Mr. Wallen's attorneys will offer at his trial. I can't imagine how they will argue against forensic accountants who will testify they uncovered illegal theft and fraud (and especially the creation of what they believe are false documents), and subpoenad bank records that confirm it.

It's my understanding that with the government winning its case against Mr. Wallen in this civil fraud trial, because of the size of the fraud and the fact that the federal trustee is involved, by law it will be AUTOMATICALLY referred for criminal prosecution once the civil conviction is secured. Additionally, I believe a referral will be made to the IRS to investigate Mr. Wallen for possible tax evasion. If the court determines that Mr. Wallen did indeed steal the $14 million from Tauren, the IRS will look into whether or not Mr. Wallen paid taxes on the stolen monies, since stolen income is still income that taxes must be paid on. If Mr. Wallen paid taxes on the $14 million, then he will have nothing to worry about from the IRS. If he did not, then he will almost certainly be criminally prosecuted for tax evasion in addition to all his other criminal prosecutions.

ALL OF THIS INFORMATION IS IN THE PUBLIC RECORD, and anyone can review the documents for themselves to confirm the narrative and information I've posted here. I've read a number of the documents and in my opinion, the government lays out a damning case against Mr. Wallen. But you need not trust my opinion or judgment, you can read it all for yourself (links below). A TX bankruptcy attorney I spoke with who's aware of the outlines of the case told me that "the government does not lose cases like this." Time will tell.

Here are the links to the court records in these related cases:

Tauren Exploration, Inc. Liquidating Trust vs. Calvin Wallen III:,_Inc_Liquidating_Trust_v_Wallen,_III

Tauren Exploration, Inc. Liquidating Trust vs. Pandale Holdings, Inc. et. al:,_Inc_Liquidating_Trust_v_Pandale_Holdings,_Inc_et_al

Tauren Exploration, Inc. Liquidating Trust v. Fossil Operating, Inc. et al:,_Inc_Liquidating_Trust_v_Fossil_Operating_Inc_et_al

Unlike others, I always post links to the information I put forward for anyone to verify on their own. My opinions are my own and I state them clearly.

There is far more to this story than I'm going to post here, but if you're interested in learning more or getting a far more realistic picture than the false anonymous postings on this message board, take a look at this: