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08/12/19 2:17 AM

#157003 RE: ValueInvestor01 #157002



08/12/19 10:38 AM

#157006 RE: ValueInvestor01 #157002

Value "As the price declines the less risky the asset becomes and vice versa that's just plain common sense." I think this is a very simplistic approach. The point is that a lot of other factors are involved when it comes to the risk of investing in a company. The China space is risky because the powers that be seem to do nothing to protect foreign investors. The Chinese people gain by swindling American shareholders. A company that has a very low market cap cannot solve financial problems by selling shares to mention one point.

But I also think that a company that has elected to go dark is normally very risky. Those who make the decisios in the other company sdemonstrate tbeir contmpt for the company's shareholders by not even having a phone number where shareholders can reach them. In my view it is naive to assume that provincial authorities will act in a honorable way.