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08/13/19 11:46 AM

#150639 RE: borusa #150636

Thanks B, Re: Fundamentals................

There's bad debt and then there's not so bad debt. It appears they're doing a good job of covering their debt. Further their debt/capitalization is favorable. Cash flow per share is good enough to cover dividends, etc at ~$30B vs ~5B.

There's a lot to consider. INTC is a relatively mature company for the world of tech. A concern is that over time margins will deteriorate. INTC replaced another tech stock after it was bought out so I went hunting. There wasn't much at the time that looked very attractive on a 3-5 year outlook. Things were richly priced. I went hunting for reasonable Price/Book in a sector that's not knows for "reasonable." INTC seemed to surface on several screens at the time.