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11/23/06 3:30 PM

#6654 RE: MommaSaid #6653

I just got thru stating at the end of my post that I AM STILL LONG AND AM "NOT" BASHING ANYTHING HERE! BUT THE TRUTH NEEDS TO BE TOLD TO TOM G.!!! HE IS SHOOTING HIMSELF IN THE FOOT EVERYTIME HE SETS A DATE FOR HIMSELF AND DOESN'T KEEP IT! IT JUST GIVES THE DEEP POCKETED INVESTORS, (THAT WE NEED SO MUCH TO GET OUT OF THE PENNIES), ANOTHER REASON TO STAY AWAY FROM MLXO! Ask yourself, "WHY ARE THEY INVESTING IN POS STOCKS LIKE USSE OR OTHERS THAT HAVE RUN-UP TO UNREAL NUMBERS OF .60-.08'S AND STAY AWAY FROM MLXO"??? From watching Management make STUPID DECISIONS like this! Sweeping things like this under the rug and pretending it's not happening won't bring about the CHANGE needed to get us out of the SINGLE DIGITS! I Am only Speaking my mind about A COUPLE CHANGES that need to be made here, and Until Tom G. makes these changes and sticks to them, how do you expect this stock to attract Bigtime DEEP POCKETED Investors? Without the Deep Pocket BIGTIME Investors how do you expect this stock to ever climb out of the Pennies? We need much more Shareholders than we have now to get out of the Pennies, Especially with the New Shares that have been becoming UNRESTRICTED, DON'T COUNT ON THE MARKET MAKERS TO GIVE US FAIR MARKET VALUE.