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11/23/06 10:51 AM

#189850 RE: tafsnd #189790

It is my theory that Petar could/would not post the audit he had done because it in no way resembled the unaudited numbers which had been posted on the website, and that the bottom line on the audit for the SLJB portion was woefully inadequte in comparison. I also believe that the reason for this is that certain assets and/or revenue which rightfully belonged to the company had been diverted out of the company (or never put through the company to begin with) some time between posting of the unaudited numbers and Petar's receipt of the actual audit. Notice that on the blog right there at the end he was disavowing and totally distancing himself from the unaudited numbers and saying that he had demanded they be taken down off the website.

If this is the case (and I doubt we'll ever know the whole truth of the matter), then I believe that Steve, the accountants and the lawyers surely have been working with Petar (who finally realized that he could go to jail for what he may have done) to rectify that situation, possibly by transferring such assets and/or deals back into the company name and get the audit revised accordingly.

I really think that Steve Sulja owes us some numbers and a rational explanation for the events as they occurred, sooner rather than later, to whatever extent he can without creating liability to the company. In my opinion, it will be then and only then that we will begin to see some market confidence in this stock.

That's my weigh-in for Thanksgiving! May you all enjoy the holiday.