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08/02/19 9:10 AM

#109201 RE: drum3171 #109198

GM drum and all. Can't wait until these final waiting game days are behind us for good!

Bring on the next sequence of goodies Steve and let's get this growth & valuation driving party started!


08/02/19 9:13 AM

#109203 RE: drum3171 #109198

I don’t feel that Steve is deceitful honestly. I think that Steve and the owners of Rotmans are good people. If they were scum bags they would not have a pension plan and I’m sure medical coverage for their employees. They would also not be in business for so long.
The thing is that when you do all of those things for your employees it’s very expensive to your bottom line. Do t get me wrong it’s a great thing in this day and age that a company cares for its employees this way.
It doesn’t mean they have a huge net at the end of the year though. I’m sure they all make a great living and the store is successful but that doesn’t mean they are making money hand over fist.


08/02/19 9:17 AM

#109204 RE: drum3171 #109198

I don't recall anyone saying or implying that CEO Steve Rotman has been deceitful. Most seem to think he is a well respected business man with an outstanding reputation in both his work and life outside the company.

He may be accused of being unaware of what his son is doing and tweeting, which is possible.

Papa Steve is 80 years old, he should be fishing on the end of a pier somewhere; not having to worry about Greggie's antics.