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08/03/19 4:34 AM

#2079 RE: rwandrw #2069

I apologize. Only fans are allowed to be condescending towards non-fans. So sorry bud. I forgot.

I thought putting the facts out there to help potential investors make up their minds are 'sticking to talking to this stock'.

Many of my posts that are deleted highlights Moller's lies and deceit. Not all of their missteps can be explained away and be blamed on someone else.

Do you even have the Shareholder Meeting presentations they published the last decade? Did ANY of you fans EVER ask Moller "What happened to...(insert whatever you want)". No, no you don't. Why not?

No, you leave the questions to be asked by Moller's critics and the you see the mere asking of questions as an attack on Moller.

All these "provisional orders for engines" Moller constantly talks about, did you guys EVER ask who these engines are supposedly wanted by? No, no you didn't. Why not?

Did any of you EVER ask "What happened to Singapore Technologies". No, no you didn't. Why not?

Anybody ask for an update on PCS? Last we heard of PCS was when David ask people not to make fun of them on the FM blog.

ANY if you ever ask about updates on their ongoing yearly goal of "Working with the FAA to...blah,blah,blah". Any of you even ask WHO they are working with at the FAA? No you didn't. Why not?

ANY of you ever ask about the 2016 "Business opportunity" with "Jon Feinstein". It's right there in their 2016 SH meeting presentation. No, no you didn't. Why not?

I think the questions are not asked, because the fans don't want to face the truth. Or, to quote "A few good men." You can't handle the truth.

Do you guys even care about this company or where you just betting this stock would be the next IBM of Apple?

I have 20 years experience in business management. I have experience in starting up factories and production lines. I don't work in software or fast food. I work in engineering. Factories. Production lines. Machines. Engines. Oil. Metal. I am the same type of business as Freedom Motors would be in. I'm telling you today. FM and Moller are years from producing engines in a facility. Years. Product wise. How they will finance it, I have no idea, but the doors opening for them are the wrong ones. I suppose the correct doors are being knocked on, but they remain closed. They would.

And the whole 'bet Moller's future on FM's success thing' is the corner they painted themselves into. No-one else can be blamed.Not even the junior lawyer at the SEC that is blamed for all of Moller's problems.

And you know what? That bet of theirs puts a Skycar in the air in decades only.

Dr Paul Moller doesn't have decades.

One thing I agree on with you, Randy, is that these electric aircraft may not be successful. I am not as critical of it as you, but I am not invested in their competition on the other hand. The thing is, eVTOL is a thing now. If they fail, then the last nail is in the coffin for flying cars. If eVTOL fails, then it will be generations before flying cars are attempted again. Moller needed to become successful in this craze or he is going to miss the bus.