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07/31/19 10:52 AM

#376515 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #376514

Unadvertised special, buy the principal kit on Black Friday and get the principals soon to be felon wife package including pool boy and car only 2.00 extra. BUY THEM ALL 39.95 complete.

Son and pets sold separately.

Hmmm, not a word from the real swamp about the latest posts here from the alleged nanosux principal.


07/31/19 1:25 PM

#376516 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #376514

10/10 - now THIS is part of DaFun. Let's enjoy it before DaFoley-Coyote goes to DaHole and meets RUFUS PAUL HARRIS at OKC FTC.

DaFoley-Coyote Diet Plan: How to Lose 8,197 Pounds in DaHole by Eating Nutriloaf


07/31/19 5:32 PM

#376524 RE: Meow D itchy Kitty #376514

With Accessories :-) Too Funny

A bit of Levity after
A Long Criminal Scandal