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07/31/19 3:47 PM

#21369 RE: planetaryfuture #21368

Cryptocurrency Resolves Fraudulent "Fractional Reserve Banking" Consequences .....

With the presidency of Abraham Lincoln ..... the purebred fiat paper of the "Greenback" was called into service by printing 450 million bills to help finance the Civil War ..... 1862-1863 ..... and place more currency into circulation ..... And the strategy worked very well !!! ..... since the process had been free of "fractional reserve lending" consequences which tend to propel a deficit driven economy and create an unpleasant effect of "perpetual slavery" for the Nation and all its citizens .....

Take notice that both J.P. Morgan and Goldman Sachs had listed cryptocurrency as a risk factor to their business model a few years ago ..... And now Facebook's Libra proposal seemingly has protectionist elite interests "shaking-in-their-boots" ..... The Libra model would be free of fractional reserve lending consequences ..... which is where the allegations of "fraud and burdensome interest charges" come into play .....

A few choice quotes of Lincoln's surfaced from the "Money Master's video documentary ..... in about the one-hour seventeen minute zone .....

"The government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credit needed to satisfy the spending power of the government and the buying power of the consumers .....

The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the supreme prerogative of government ..... but it is government's greatest opportunity .....

By adoption of these principles ..... the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest ..... Money will cease to be Master and become the servant of humanity .....

The "money power" preys upon the Nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity ..... It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy".....

Clearly ..... Congress has been complicit in creating the ongoing fiscal dilemma while courage and a bit of moral and ethical backbone are needed to change directions ..... And nobody in their "right mind" will be holding their breath .....

The authors of the "Money Master's" documentary have suggested 4 major steps could break the "chains of fiscal bondage" and ignite unprecedented prosperity and freedom for all generations to follow ....

President Trump would most likely be seen as the greatest leader in "known history" ..... if he can deliver on his promise to "drain the swamp" ..... In this instance ..... "Our current deficit-driven economy !!!" .....

Four steps to fiscal emancipation:

1- Pay off debt with debt-free U.S. Notes.

2- Abolish fractional reserve Banking ..... As debt is paid off reserve requirements of all banks and financial institutions would be raised proportionately at the same time .....

3- Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 ..... and the National Banking Act of 1864.

4- Withdraw the U.S. from the IMF ..... the BIS ..... and the World Bank .....

These would be the four essential steps toward positive change recommended by the authors of the "Money Master's" documentary ..... and they believe the transition would only take a few years to accomplish once meaningful action has been initiated .....

Best Wishes