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07/29/19 8:53 AM

#9691 RE: Don'tDrinkTheKoolAid #9689

Gentlemen, News will come and will be fierce. This company is going to shine very, very soon. This should be a roller coaster week!
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07/29/19 12:42 PM

#9729 RE: Don'tDrinkTheKoolAid #9689

Formerly posted on Yahoo Finance on or about July 14, 2019

Hindenburg Investment Research "Hit-Job" CIVIL and CRIMINAL RICO

I, several associates, close friends, and my family trust are shareholders in PRED, upon reading Hindenburg Investment Research "Hit-Job" yesterday morning (Friday, July 12, 2019), I immediately flew to Salt Lake City (wheels down at 1 PM) and arrived at Predictive Technologies (PRED) offices unannounced to speak with senior management. I have extensively interacted with PRED's CEO and several of its management over the past 2+ years. I know PRED's new Chairman and former Pfizer COO responsible for $37 billion of Pfizer's business. I know Predictive's law firm, (WSGR.COM) which is the world's leading life science law firm, if not the world's leading technology law firm. I know Mario Rosati, one of WSGR's founding partners. WSGR incorporated and represents many of the world's technology companies, e.g., Google, Apple, HP, eBay, Oracle, Sysco, and on and on. WSGR does not represent companies that act or conduct business described in yesterday's "Hit-Job".

I found a very active office, and while sitting in their reception area I could see through the closed blinds there was a large group of individuals in PRED's boardroom, there were many who appeared to be attorneys and several bankers, and someone from JP Morgan (I have his card and an hour later I obtained the card of a senior partner from a quite serious litigation law firm). While I do not know the details of those meetings, I can say they were serious people and anyone who has been around serious litigation can feel the atmosphere. The company is preparing a statement and is going to react but they are not going to play to false allegations in the media but likely in the courtroom.

Another example is Dr. Rick Obrey and Southwest's Pain and Spine selling their patient data to PRED is ridiculous. Consider a successful medical practice with 13 accomplished physicians with 12 separate clinics (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Harvard University, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, Loma Linda University, Tulane University School of Medicine, Stanford Medical, University of Louisville School of Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine, etc. doctors) colluding to circumvent very strict Federal HIPAA patient confidentiality laws and risk immediate sanctions by the State of Utah, the U.S. Federal Government, and loss of medical licenses and sanctions by the American Medical Association. The reality is there is an independent IRB (Institution Review Board) approved clinical study that was prepared by one of the nation's leading IRB consultancies and this study's protocol and agreement with PRED does not disclose any patient names or information. They announced reaching 200 participants in the study. The Hit-Job could have and should have known the allegations are false and misleading. See:

However, I am not a director nor officer and I can act independently as a shareholder. Based on what I witnessed and first-hand knowledge, the information, and discussions with Mr. Robinson and two other senior management, I have taken the decision, and my family's trust, to file tens of millions (actual damages and seek punitive damages in the hundreds of millions) suit against Hindenburg and brokers and their respective firms who conspired to manipulate the market and PRED's share price, e.g., Hindenburg's management, owners, and investors individually.

We will also work with and have started contacting other Hindenburg targets to join another litigation to demonstrate the pattern under RICO.

We have other pending litigation, one is a $470 million claim, costing over $13 million and production of 1.3 million pages of documents. We will not accept a settlement or retraction but will take this to its conclusion in court.

We have independent information and believe there is a group of brokers (several within national name brand brokerages) against those that have colluded together to short this company, and with shares and positions, they do not own. One such brokerage was desperately trying to rent of borrow shares (over $50 million) yesterday morning minutes after the Hit-Job - we know this directly.

I can easily support the litigation costs and will have retained one of the world's top litigation firms (before the end of this day) to file suit for market manipulation, etc.

We will soon post an email address for other shareholders to provide their damages and information. PRED shareholders that qualify and have suffered a loss from the Hit-Job will be invited to become Plaintiffs, forming a class. Our lawyers and team (former SEC attorneys, a former CEO of one of the world's leading brokerages, and a former senior officer of NASDAQ will be meeting with the SEC early next week, and we will coordinate our litigation information with SEC attorneys. We have also requested a meeting with the U.S. Attorney and believe a criminal referral is likely.

We have determined enough facts to demonstrate (to a jury) the Hindenburg report contained not only misleading and false information (statements that are easily disprovable) but statements that underlay a conspiracy that is both civil and criminal under RICO.

We will have our lawyers and media firm posts on this and other forums on how to contact and enroll as Plaintiffs in this anticipated litigation. There will be no cost to support the litigation of becoming Plaintiff's as we have already allocated over $10 million to support legal actions.

We are not selling and holding. For example in PRED's Form 10 filed with the SEC (and its amendments) and the NASDAQ up-listing documentation, PRED's CEO has not sold any shares, not one share, in the last two years. We also know that Predictive's CEO received no compensation or benefits from the acquired companies. There is no Pump and Dump.

We know there are others mentioned within the Hit-Job who are also filing litigation.

I close this post asking you, Predictive's shareholders, to remember what happened to the Hindenburg Airship, its pilots and ground crew.

Post Script taken from the SEC's Web Site:

Manipulation is intentional conduct designed to deceive investors by controlling or artificially affecting the market for a security. Manipulation can involve a number of techniques to affect the supply of, or demand for, a stock. They include: spreading false or misleading information about a company; improperly limiting the number of publicly-available shares; or rigging quotes, prices or trades to create a false or deceptive picture of the demand for a security. Those who engage in manipulation are subject to various civil and criminal sanctions. See:

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07/29/19 12:45 PM

#9731 RE: Don'tDrinkTheKoolAid #9689

Hindenburg Investment Research "Hit-Job" CIVIL and CRIMINAL RICO

Formerly posted on Yahoo Finance on or about July 14, 2019

I, several associates, close friends, and my family trust are shareholders in PRED, upon reading Hindenburg Investment Research "Hit-Job" yesterday morning (Friday, July 12, 2019), I immediately flew to Salt Lake City (wheels down at 1 PM) and arrived at Predictive Technologies (PRED) offices unannounced to speak with senior management. I have extensively interacted with PRED's CEO and several of its management over the past 2+ years. I know PRED's new Chairman and former Pfizer COO responsible for $37 billion of Pfizer's business. I know Predictive's law firm, (WSGR.COM) which is the world's leading life science law firm, if not the world's leading technology law firm. I know Mario Rosati, one of WSGR's founding partners. WSGR incorporated and represents many of the world's technology companies, e.g., Google, Apple, HP, eBay, Oracle, Sysco, and on and on. WSGR does not represent companies that act or conduct business described in yesterday's "Hit-Job".

I found a very active office, and while sitting in their reception area I could see through the closed blinds there was a large group of individuals in PRED's boardroom, there were many who appeared to be attorneys and several bankers, and someone from JP Morgan (I have his card and an hour later I obtained the card of a senior partner from a quite serious litigation law firm). While I do not know the details of those meetings, I can say they were serious people and anyone who has been around serious litigation can feel the atmosphere. The company is preparing a statement and is going to react but they are not going to play to false allegations in the media but likely in the courtroom.

Another example is Dr. Rick Obrey and Southwest's Pain and Spine selling their patient data to PRED is ridiculous. Consider a successful medical practice with 13 accomplished physicians with 12 separate clinics (Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education, Harvard University, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Mayo Clinic, Loma Linda University, Tulane University School of Medicine, Stanford Medical, University of Louisville School of Medicine, University of Virginia School of Medicine, etc. doctors) colluding to circumvent very strict Federal HIPAA patient confidentiality laws and risk immediate sanctions by the State of Utah, the U.S. Federal Government, and loss of medical licenses and sanctions by the American Medical Association. The reality is there is an independent IRB (Institution Review Board) approved clinical study that was prepared by one of the nation's leading IRB consultancies and this study's protocol and agreement with PRED does not disclose any patient names or information. They announced reaching 200 participants in the study. The Hit-Job could have and should have known the allegations are false and misleading. Google southwestspineandpain

However, I am not a director nor officer and I can act independently as a shareholder. Based on what I witnessed and first-hand knowledge, the information, and discussions with Mr. Robinson and two other senior management, I have taken the decision, and my family's trust, to file tens of millions (actual damages and seek punitive damages in the hundreds of millions) suit against Hindenburg and brokers and their respective firms who conspired to manipulate the market and PRED's share price, e.g., Hindenburg's management, owners, and investors individually.

We will also work with and have started contacting other Hindenburg targets to join another litigation to demonstrate the pattern under RICO.

We have other pending litigation, one is a $470 million claim, costing over $13 million and production of 1.3 million pages of documents. We will not accept a settlement or retraction but will take this to its conclusion in court.

We have independent information and believe there is a group of brokers (several within national name brand brokerages) against those that have colluded together to short this company, and with shares and positions, they do not own. One such brokerage was desperately trying to rent of borrow shares (over $50 million) yesterday morning minutes after the Hit-Job - we know this directly.

I can easily support the litigation costs and will have retained one of the world's top litigation firms (before the end of this day) to file suit for market manipulation, etc.

We will soon post an email address for other shareholders to provide their damages and information. PRED shareholders that qualify and have suffered a loss from the Hit-Job will be invited to become Plaintiffs, forming a class. Our lawyers and team (former SEC attorneys, a former CEO of one of the world's leading brokerages, and a former senior officer of NASDAQ will be meeting with the SEC early next week, and we will coordinate our litigation information with SEC attorneys. We have also requested a meeting with the U.S. Attorney and believe a criminal referral is likely.

We have determined enough facts to demonstrate (to a jury) the Hindenburg report contained not only misleading and false information (statements that are easily disprovable) but statements that underlay a conspiracy that is both civil and criminal under RICO.

We will have our lawyers and media firm posts on this and other forums on how to contact and enroll as Plaintiffs in this anticipated litigation. There will be no cost to support the litigation of becoming Plaintiff's as we have already allocated over $10 million to support legal actions.

We are not selling and holding. For example in PRED's Form 10 filed with the SEC (and its amendments) and the NASDAQ up-listing documentation, PRED's CEO has not sold any shares, not one share, in the last two years. We also know that Predictive's CEO received no compensation or benefits from the acquired companies. There is no Pump and Dump.

We know there are others mentioned within the Hit-Job who are also filing litigation.

I close this post asking you, Predictive's shareholders, to remember what happened to the Hindenburg Airship, its pilots and ground crew.

Post-Script was taken from the SEC's Web Site:

Manipulation is intentional conduct designed to deceive investors by controlling or artificially affecting the market for a security. Manipulation can involve a number of techniques to affect the supply of, or demand for, a stock. They include: spreading false or misleading information about a company; improperly limiting the number of publicly-available shares; or rigging quotes, prices or trades to create a false or deceptive picture of the demand for a security. Those who engage in manipulation are subject to various civil and criminal sanctions.