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07/29/19 8:56 AM

#376465 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

You’re a con artist scammer and you’re going back to prison.


07/29/19 10:40 AM

#376467 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

Where are the Earthly Remains of BRUCE L. BEAN (aka "Bruce Albini")?

A cuppla bits o'advice:

(1) Loreto in Baja looks a lott like the Bay Area geography and there are plenny of English speakers there. They have offshore fishing boat rentals there cheap and generally placid seas unless there is a hurricane heading to the west coast of Mexico. Todos Santos is a great low-profile place to hang ~OUTT and avoid the Policia. Great beach too.

(2) The FBI will Czech the laundry hamper.

Finally (for now), memories of DisPlace - and now it's all G-O-N-E. Poof!


07/29/19 11:01 AM

#376468 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

Who nominated DAVID RUSSELL FOLEY, USBOP 13141-111 to be a candidate for the board of directors?

List all the names of the directors who signed the board resolution appointing him CEO and the dates they each signed the resolution.

Thanks. Please respond before the upcoming Holidaze season. Before Black Friday wood B preferable.

Oh, one more thing. Since Roku set top boxes are selling well, please explain again the reason that the 60,000 NP-1s shipped into the retail market never showed up on the shelves of Best Buys? (Note: BB sales associate training still going on? Or just waiting for the KitKat candy bar shipment to arrive from China?)

No credit Czech instant credit!


07/29/19 11:58 AM

#376469 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

You're Not going to get Another P&D

Frustrating, I know

That Last "In Your Face"
I'll do as I Please and You
Can't stop me from Doing it

Well you can do as you Please
And get as Frustrated as you like

No BK, The SEC and BK Court
are Laughing at You on That One

Investors are on to Your Promoters,
Your Volume and Price Manipulations
Your False and Misleading NTEK Claims
Everyone Knows There was Little to No Business

Everyone Now Knows it was About Personal Profit
The Millions of Dollars you Made Selling Stock

Everyone Knows that The Walls are Closing In
That Time is Growing Short before it's Over

You Have Gotten Away With Bullying, Lying
Misleading and Fraud up till Now for Personal Gain

Now You are Far too Exposed for what you are
And More Importantly, for what you Perpetrated here

There will Be No Last Pump to Revel In
All that is Left is to Witness The End Game


07/29/19 12:40 PM

#376471 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

$19,193.18 is an odd amount to have 'borrowed' (cough ... cough) from the Earthy remains of BRUCE L. BEAN (aka "Bruce Albini").

One doesn't normally axe a (living) person for an unsecured personal loan for such an odd amount. Normally one axes for a round number - $750 (VINCE CERISANO), $2000 (ADAM CURRY), $2500 (BEN GEORGIADES), $17,500 (SANTOKH MEHAN), or like with STEVEN "COLONEL" KLENK at $35,000.

Yett the "loan" (chuckle) from BRUCE L. BEAN (aka "Bruce Albini") is nott only for an odd Dollar amount, there's also 18 cents tacked on.

It seems very strange. Almost as if someone had looted the Social Security munny in the account of a disabled or deceased elderly person.

Weird, huh? And nun of those peeples will see a penny of the munny they loaned to DaFoleyCareerFelon-Coyote. VINCE CERISANO prolly knew that, which is why he is only in for $750 despite having loaned much more to NTEK in the past in exchange for a virtual slow boat from China boatload of deeply discounted NTEK shares. KLENK and MEHAN should have tawked to VINCE CERISANO before loaning DaCoyote all the munny they did.

"What do you mean you can't remember? I need the PIN number, old man!"

Meow D itchy Kitty

07/29/19 2:37 PM

#376477 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

On other forums you claim that the SEC investigation into you is not warranted, and baseless. Yet, Your brother Jeff Foley, and co-conspirator Bennie Blankenship have already plead no contest to their charges. You are in much deeper being as the lead criminal in the case. Why not explain to us here why all your pals are guilty, yet you claim you are not?

Please, we don't want hear nonsense about you scam company. More about the real criminal charges against you.



07/29/19 9:29 PM

#376485 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

Get ready to wash dishes and toss salad in the mess hall again.

When you aren't in the infirmary, please, post an update on this board when you get a chance.


07/30/19 4:42 AM

#376496 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

Deer DaDaveyFelon-Coyote and NTEK "CE0" (cee- eee- ZERO),

Were you aware that ROGER CHRISTIANSON has been permanently disbarred since 2010?

Did you nott think about that before sending the Bridgeport/Smaran fake letters listing him as a 'legal counsel' even though he's nott licensed?

Did you knott know that Bridgeport/Smaran ceased to exist as a corporation years before the date on the communications you sent to Goulash John?

Did you knott CONsider that using your wife as the head of ROYAL (Foley) CAPITAL GROUP for a Souff Dakotta corp was really, really stoopid?

Did you seriously think that all the creditors you've stiffed and investors that you've swindled wood knott retain competent legal counsel and discover all that?


In re: the above decisions:

" Horrible Judgment

Although psychopaths are logical thinkers and view themselves as highly intelligent, they consistently exhibit bad judgment. Faced with two paths, one to gold and the other to ashes, the psychopath will take the latter. Because psychopaths can't learn from their experiences, they are prone to taking the same path again and again."

In re: posting on iHub and elsewhere

" Risky Behavior With No Gain

Antisocial behavior—cheating, lying, robbing, stealing, agitating, fighting, committing adultery, killing—appeals to psychopaths, whether or not they reap any rewards. They appear drawn to high-risk antisocial behavior that has no apparent goal. Some experts theorize that psychopaths like to put themselves into dangerous situations because of the adrenaline rush they experience. Because psychopaths generally don't feel many emotions that normal people do, any extreme sensation feels good. Others believe that they do it to reinforce their sense of superiority and to prove that they are smarter than everyone, including the police."

Butt nothing is EVER your fault - just as in Global VR and the bank fraud felony CONvictions or the implosion of NTEK and sliding down the Hill of Despair into Brokeassville:

Can't Accept Responsibility for Failure

Psychopaths turn into performers who can mimic normal human emotions that they have never felt. This holds true when they're faced with failure. If they appear to be humble and own up to their mistakes, their true goal is to be perceived as the martyr or sacrificial lamb willing to accept blame so others don't have to.

If the ploy fails and they are blamed, they will emphatically deny any responsibility and, without feeling shame, turn to lies, manipulation, and finger-pointing. When psychopaths can't convince others that they are innocent, they fume and obsess over it, often murmuring sarcastic comments and plotting revenge."

In re: all the bullshit and LIES DAVID RUSSELL FOLEY, USBOP 13141-111 has told and tells his victims who have lost their investment munny to him:

" An About-Face

Initially, psychopaths appear reliable, devoted, and trustworthy, but, suddenly and without provocation, become unreliable, with no regard for how their actions affect the situation, regardless of its importance. Once viewed as honest and sincere, they do a sudden about-face and begin lying without concern, even in small matters when there is no benefit in lying.

Because psychopaths have mastered the art of deception, those around them are slow to accept the abrupt change. When psychopaths are confronted with their lack of responsibility, honesty or loyalty, it generally has no impact on their attitude or future performance. They are unable to perceive that other people value truthfulness and integrity.

Sound familiar???

"The term ‘psychopath’ was first coined in the late 1800s, and comes from the Greek psykhe and pathos, which mean ‘sick mind’ or ‘suffering soul.’

In those days, psychopathy was considered to be a sort of moral insanity, but of course, nowadays, we know better.

However, are we right to think of psychopaths as lone killers, devoid of humanity, preying on the vulnerable, who find it hard to mix with society? The truth is that you could have one as a friend, boss or even a partner. Psychopaths live among us and manage to blend into society, but you can spot them if you look hard enough.

First, you have to change the way you think about people and how we operate as human beings. It is normal to believe that everyone else on the planet is like us, in that, they think like us, feel the same emotions like us, and understand pain and loss as we do. It is important to understand that for a few percentages of the population, this is not true. These are people that do not have empathy or remorse, cannot feel emotion, whose only goal is to take advantage of others.

These are the psychopaths, and as with any mental disorder, there are characteristics that define it. The most common way of detecting whether a person is a psychopath is by using The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), which is a diagnostic tool, set to determine if someone is on the psychopathy spectrum.

To score the test, participants read a series of statements that describe certain traits and rate them accordingly.

0 = does not apply, 1 = applies somewhat, 2 = definitely applies.

The highest score anyone can achieve is 40.
[Note: DaFoleyFelon-Coyote scores a 53 on the test - better than 100 percent even on his down days When he's in fine form he can hitt a peak 67 points!!
] In the US, if someone rates over 30 in the test, they are considered to be psychopathic, but in the UK, it is only over 25.
Here are the 20 traits on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist

Do you sense you are someone extremely important?
Would you say you need constant stimulation?
Do you find pleasure in manipulating people?
Would you lie in order to get your own way?
Do you never say sorry?
Are you known to be charming and persuasive?

Would you agree you show little emotion?
Are you incapable of feeling empathy for others? The Earthly Remains of BRUCE L. BEAN, aka "Bruce Albini"
Are you in and out of relationships all the time?
Do you have a promiscuous sex life?
Are you impulsive and live for the moment?
Are you known for behaving irresponsibly?
Do you fail to accept responsibility for your actions?
Is it right to get as much as you can from other people?

Is it hard to control your behaviour?
Did you display early behaviour problems?
Do you lack long-term goals?
Do you have a history of juvenile delinquency?
Have you ever had your parole or bail revoked?
Are you known for committing many different criminal acts?

The Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) categorizes these traits into four factors: interpersonal, emotional, lifestyle and antisocial.


The most common trait of a psychopath is their pathological lying. This is so that they can cover up their behaviour and get their own way.

Psychopaths use glibness and superficial charm to get you hooked in the first place. Once they have you under their spell, you are more likely to be willing to help them.

You’ll find many psychopaths in positions of great power and authority, this is due to their enormous sense of self-worth.

It is their manipulative behaviour that probably got them into these positions in the first place.


The most emotional characteristic is a complete lack of remorse or guilt. This could explain why psychopathic killers get away with their crimes as they simply do not care.

Some psychopaths may feel shallow emotions, in that they might feel sorry that their victim is dead because it no longer holds any pleasure for them.

More often a psychopath will be callous and show a distinct lack of empathy towards their victims. Failure to accept responsibility for their own acts is another common trait for a psychopath.

You can also see psychopathic traits in the lifestyles of psychopaths. A common trait is a parasitic way they will feed off other people to sustain their lifestyle.

Psychopaths also have a need for stimulation which might lead them to behave with impulsivity and acting in an irresponsible way. Typically, a psychopath will have no realistic, long-term goals, instead preferring to live in the moment.


Despite many psychopaths holding down impressive jobs, they do not have good social skills. They find it hard to control their behaviour in public which could lead to a revoking of their parole.

Psychopaths are known to be particularly versatile in many areas of different crimes. This makes it difficult to catch them."

"Here are five things psychopaths do:

1. They're extremely charming.

Psychopaths are almost always well-liked. They come across as delightful people great at making small talk. Their quick wit tends to draw people to them. They usually have interesting stories as well. Their convincing tales portray them in a favorable, yet believable light. People walk away from conversations with a psychopath feeling pretty good.

2. They don't experience remorse.

A lack of guilt might be the first red flag that signals someone might be a psychopath. Psychopaths aren't capable of feeling any genuine remorse. They don't accept any responsibility for hurting other people's feelings. Instead, they blame other people and deny responsibility. A psychopath may say that someone "deserved" to be treated poorly. Or, they may shrug off reports that they offended someone by saying, "She needs to be less sensitive," or "I guess he can't handle the truth."

3. They're really arrogant.

Psychopaths have an inflated sense of importance. Much like narcissists, they think the usual rules don't apply to them. They also tend to have grandiose ideas about their potential. They believe they deserve to be the CEO, or they're convinced they're the best at everything they do.

4. They take big risks.

Psychopaths have little regard for safety, especially other people's. They often lie, cheat, and steal to get ahead. This behavior can be especially toxic. While not all psychopaths engage in illegal activity, those who do plan their crimes well in advance. Their misconduct is usually well-organized, and they leave few clues behind. Psychopaths tend to be very intelligent* [* - With the exception of Coyote-Bumblers and other slow-witted species of pennyscamming hucksters.], which makes them great con artists.

5. They're master manipulators.

They don't experience genuine emotions toward others. But they can mimic other people's emotions, and often they come across as very genuine. As a result, their loved ones often have no idea they're incapable of truly caring for other people.

Psychopaths are really good at manipulating other people's emotions. They flatter others in a subtle yet effective manner, and before long they persuade others to do things they wouldn't normally do. They also use guilt trips or gain sympathy to meet their needs."


07/30/19 11:01 AM

#376498 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

You’re a con artist Foley and you’re going back to prison and so is your spouse and your dopey brother.

Crazy Money

02/04/20 10:52 PM

#377884 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

DavidRFoley99 has not posted on NTEK forverzzz

Crazy Money

02/28/20 2:01 AM

#378006 RE: DavidRFoley99 #376454

DavidRFoley99 , 911 2001 was 911