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Y U Axing Me

07/25/19 9:56 AM

#118834 RE: drum3171 #118833

I understand the move on part. I didn't "marry" this stock. I merely stayed along to watch it. There were many here, unfortunately who did marry it. I feel bad for them. I think they drank the cool aid provided by management and funded a company which failed in many areas. Now it appears a company has been formed and went private, shown by the fact that it no longer provides financial statements to the shareholders to see where the money is going. Lots of money is owed to insiders for various reasons (sale of useless trademarks to the company for large sums of money, salaries, preferred stock, etc.). The shareholders are left in that dark to what is happening now concerning the insiders. I believe that is the reason they're now dark, but that is just my opinion.