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07/24/19 11:13 PM

#319729 RE: DesertDrifter #319727

Trump has a former head of the CIA and a Justice department that he appointed and still he can't point to any wrong doing in the beginnings of this investigation?


07/24/19 11:15 PM

#319731 RE: DesertDrifter #319727

Dumb-ass doesn't understand that defending oneself in a legal/criminal investigation does not allow 'feelings of innocence' to justify obstructing that investigation.

This amoral ignorant mfr is the avatar, the repository of stupidity, for everyone just as dumb and willfully ignorant as him.


07/24/19 11:40 PM

#319736 RE: DesertDrifter #319727

Another perfect on this wonderful day. A, now you see, to all those who believed Trump would be more presidential after the election.