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07/24/19 1:28 AM

#543057 RE: Here I am #543055

Why is the plan secret? I know the seizures were secretly planned and executed like a heist which makes gangster sense but I'm having a problem wrapping my head around the the motivation for secrecy about doing the right thing.


07/24/19 8:24 AM

#543070 RE: Here I am #543055

Great post.
The issue of "How/why Fannie got into conservortship" is important.
The Government has alleged that shareholders deserve zero because, had it not been for the cshp, fannie would be bankrupt. We know that is simply not true.
Instead, the government caused the cship for political reasons, not due to financial instablility of fnma. The government was not the solution they WERE the problem.
Hank Paulson admitted, in July, 2008, that "fannie was in no need of government funds". 3 weeks later he put us in cship. What happened? Well, Obama was unable to get Obama care funded by a GOP dominated congress. So, he concocted the "secret plan" to take over fnma and fmcc and confiscate the profits to fund Obamacare.
The government justified such a taking by manipulating FNMA balance sheet, forcing FNMA to a higher loan reserve, and "taking Back" billions and billions in DTA's. Also, they permitted TBTF banks to steal from fannie by lying about the quality of the loans sold to fannie. ("TOXIC loans" were dumped on fannie by TBTF banks).
Through this, they were able to show, on paper, that fnma was insolvent, when that was a lie.
They needed the Board of Directors "out of the way", so they coerced all board members to resign at the same time.
It was all a corrupt taking, a white collar crime, that few understood. Its taken more than 11 years to unwind the governments illegal taking from fannie and freddie, giving billions to tbtf banks. Most of the money stolen from fannie by banks was forgiven by the government. The TBTF banks stole tens of billions of dollars via dumping of toxic loans on FNMA. Eventaully, the courts would "settle" this for pennies on the dollar, resulting in multiple billions of dollars being transferred from fnma to tbtf banks, all with government blessings.


07/24/19 8:29 AM

#543071 RE: Here I am #543055

All good news. I hope they blow the top off the popper.


07/24/19 8:53 AM

#543074 RE: Here I am #543055

You're talking about the SECRET TREASURY PLAN

that plan was reported on years ago by Blind Sheep Investor, Carlos. No scoop for you!


Paulson and Lockhart said the GSEs were solvent
Then they said "oops, we gotta dissolve 'em"
In Conservatorship to this day, Congress looks the other way
While Billions in Profits are being stolen.

Secret Treasury Plan, Secret Treasury Plan
They had a Takeover Plan six months before the Scam.

Treasury knew the next eight years were golden
And shareholder Profits they'd be holding...
Their 3rd Amendment Sweep made widows and orphans weep
As GSE Shares crashed and they were de-listed.

Secret Treasury Plan, Secret Treasury Plan
They had a Takeover Plan six months before the Scam.

Tyranny by a few is a danger
When Government to Rule of Law is a Stranger
Be careful what you take, reparations you might make
Or you might have to share a cell with Corker...

Secret Treasury Plan, Secret Treasury Plan
They had a Takeover Plan six months before the Scam...


07/24/19 10:02 AM

#543085 RE: Here I am #543055

Do you honestly think that response will be delivered on August 2nd? Extension will be granted and approved.