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07/23/19 2:58 PM

#118151 RE: I FAR I #118149

MMEX STRONG has been making the HUGE NEW CLAIM going on over 875 days now.

They have been wrong 875 out of 875 of those days.

In a DEATH SPIRAL first comes the volume, then the MASSIVE DUMPING, then EVEN MORE VOLUME then the Reverse Splits to allow more MMEX STRONG to make silly statements like

"Gee a float of 5 million shares, MMEX sure looks good!!!!"


07/23/19 3:46 PM

#118155 RE: I FAR I #118149

lol---since the last time this was posted pps fell just another 20%;-)

the despair here is overwhelming.....lmao!


07/23/19 5:41 PM

#118162 RE: I FAR I #118149

There are no “Venture Capitalists” buying MMEX-scam shares. That is 100% total B.S., an outright lie.

Dilution is never good, especially in a toxic financing situation like MMEX-scam. The inevitable reverse splits that occur in every case like MMEX-scam crush existing retail “investors” out of existence. Many try to average down, an incredibly poor strategy, and get left holding a huge bag of worthless shares, which then get squashed down to nothing at the reverse split - a 99% loss is inevitable.

Dilution never gives a “company a chance at growth.” That is an absurd claim, an outright, bald-face lie. MMEX-scam has no opportunity to grow.

Note holders never buy shares - the create dilutive shares from thin air, then dump them into the market.

MMEX - You’ve Been Scammed!


07/23/19 6:28 PM

#118163 RE: I FAR I #118149

LOLOL....More like "Vulture Capitalists" providing Toxic funding to screw shareholders.

MMEX shares are being artificially depressed because Venture Capitalists like to Buy the shares of companies at the lowest levels they can!


07/24/19 12:28 PM

#118167 RE: I FAR I #118149

There is NO ONE buying ANY "Venture Capital firm" nonsense OR any other insanity that MMEX is anything other than a run of the mill penny stock share selling charade. Every MMEX STRONG has lost over 99% of their MMEX "investment" they were the ONLY ones that bought into MMEX's ridiculous story.

All that are left are flippers that could care less about the underlying INSOLVENT MMEX business. They are just hoping to catch a a temporary low point for a flip, THIS IS A REALLY HORRIBLE STRATEGY as MMEX TOXIC NOTE HOLDERS are dumping more shares every day, there is a near limitless supply of shares to dump with limited volumes to dump them into.

Sorry there is no "refinery story", there never was any truth to that nonsense which has been proven over and over by MMEX itsef foinf on 900 days.

There are MUCH better Flipping plays out there than MMEX. As when MMEX does announce it's next Reverse Split all flippers have to compete to dump into the current dumpathon for a huge loss.