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07/21/19 10:15 PM

#100670 RE: oakrock #100669

We all screwed up! Plain and simple! These guys have it all figured out in regards to their exit strategy. Not happy about it but it is what it is! Retail is holding I think 70% of the shares............good luck with a lawsuit. They will be closed in 3 months is my guess........and yes captain obvious, I would still like $50 a share...........


07/22/19 12:00 AM

#100671 RE: oakrock #100669

Oak that website is for Israeli companies, Sidransky's primary concern. Not ADXS, an American company. Conflict of interest 101. While Johns Hopkins claims he is a doctor there, with all these miriad of conflicts. Good luck trying to see the doctor as a patient. That is why I suggest Johns Hopkins as enablers of this scam