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Wolf-man jack

07/20/19 7:37 PM

#52690 RE: ap17 #52689

AP check my post again.I added an alternative mower. I just found this article about my cousin who was principal of the School. My cousin George later became. A city councilman and then Mayor of Eastlake a suburb of Cleveland Ohio,We have come a long way baby. Ahooooooo Wolf

Ohio High School Cracks Down On Hemp
Thursday, 03 October 1996

Students at North High School in Eastlake Ohio who wear jewelry made out of hemp fiber will be sent to the principle's office and have their parents notified, according to a new policy enacted by school officials this past Tuesday.

Critics of the policy argue that the new rule inhibits freedom of expression and amounts to nothing more than harassment. "It's extremism on the [anti-drug] issue," said Northcoast NORML chapter president John Hartman, who announced that he would provide hemp clothing and twine to interested students. "Is the intention to pick out students and harass them or attempt to enforce their drug-free school policy? Either way, [it's] persecuting them for wearing [legal] hemp jewelry."

According to principle George Spinner, a proponent of the policy, hemp jewelry symbolizes "sympathy" toward marijuana, a view that he believes to be unacceptable in a school environment. "The truth is, they are wearing it because of the relationship of hemp and marijuana."

Spinner noted that the jewelry will not be confiscated, but admits that officials are asking students not to wear it.

"By their own admission, school officials are trying to suppress a political statement about our government's policies toward marijuana and industrial hemp," said NORML Deputy Director Allen St. Pierre. "This harassment clearly infringes upon a student's constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression."

Several students have approached Northcoast NORML to complain about the new policy and some have begun to hand out fliers challenging the rule. Over 1,500 students attend the school. For more information, please contact John Hartman of Northcoast NORML at (216) 521-9333. E-mail may be addr