Does the term from IR Mark ring a bell: LIBOR Certainly, this has me thinking in longer and broader terms and possible financing implications for Verus International, Inc.
Matt Reid - not on LinkedIn - Disruption Labs bio shows this statement:
The core group of 4 world traveling entrepreneurs with Disruptive Labs (listed above) is the same core group of 4 co-founding members of RESET Bioscience.
I think the A-Team is coming to join Verus International, Inc. and just possibly we really are going to the big boards this year with one bombshell announcement after another... we seem to have the biggest hitters lined up behind the investors and Verus such as the accountants, lawyers, TA, and IR (all of them are consultants in one form or another) so, what else am I supposed to think??? We have a CEO, CFO, President all working in the same Gaithersburg office. We have continuity in that regard besides having management in the Middle East. Really, what else am I supposed to think in terms of the future for me and ALL real shareholdersof $VRUS???
It's coming sooner than anyone thinks... but, as we well know, first things first... show me the $$$ in the Q3!!!