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07/20/19 12:50 PM

#4377 RE: bigron8671 #4376

Thanks Ron. I’m not a Short. I am a long that’s now very long in this process. Almost 4 years has passed and no return. Crazy!!!! I took massive risk to be here. More risk than most. I made my play and now owning it. I am certain I will win and I hope all who stick around to win as well. Zit, I don’t have a bone in my body that wishes anyone pain here. I will say nothing bad about Shorting strategy. I just don’t do it and I never have. I understand Zit it’s hard to believe but it’s the truth. I don’t bet against something I choose to believe in. I said this years ago. I stand to lose millions here unlike Eric who owns his 5 percent for a few thousand. Is that guy smarter than me? Yes!!! Way smarter because he had the experience and the knowledge to know exactly when to invest. I don’t invest in penny stocks or in Q stocks so this I all very new to me. Investing is investing. I am into the Long game. Not this long. This is just absurd. I started averaging down at 3.26 a few years back. Still can’t believe I am here at this price. I however will not believe I am wrong here. I will not waver. That’s one thing I do have in common with Eric. We are two very strong intelligent people that have patience just like yourself and many here. We saw a great investment and we invested. Pure and simple. It sucks to be here but I earned every damn penny unlike some. Anyone taking risk at this point owns this deal. I would never ever Short someone or manipulate someone to buy this stock. Some call me names and insult my crazy nature etc. It must hurt to see someone do well. Bad seeds just love watching people suffer. I know many here are suffering like me, it’s miserable to watch, and I want to see no one suffer. Most can afford the loss, some can’t. That sum of people are the ones I care about. I am not a Short and I am not being negative with an angle. I don’t like what I see now, nor do people like Ski. It’s just weird what we’re having to watch. It’s just plain stupid corruption at the tenth degree. I hate it. You should too. Be well my friends. We will win!!! Never doubt Skidmark, he won’t be Skidless. Cheers