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07/18/19 9:45 AM

#63219 RE: gilead23 #63217

NFLX - Gilead, you wrote: "To really have a moat you need proprietary content year round that people really want." For about the last 4 years I've been subscribing to Netflix DVD (and more recently in the last year the Netflix Streaming service), and i can say that Netflix DVD's content is just phenomenal for movie buffs, especially the classic US films and foreign films. I mean, just for one small example, who else has the rentable inventory of the classic Japanese directors Ozu, Kurosawa and Mizoguchi? I could name MANY more names from Japan, China, the Middle East, Europe (e.g., from Dreyer and Bergman to Tati and the Dardenne brothers), Latin America, Australia, and of course the USA.

Moreover, many of these are DVDs from The Criterion Collection, which has done a fantastic job in supplying bonus features such as extra documentaries, directors' commentaries, interviews with actors/actresses.

So, yeah, Netflix has mountains of content.

Having said that, the avg movie consumer who is not a cineaste but chasing the latest blockbuster might feel they're doing just as well with an Amazon Prime or Google Play subscription.

And the recent subscribe-fee increase by NFLX surely threw a lot of those kind of folks off their rolls.