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JUST 10-11-12

07/16/19 2:06 PM

#9109 RE: Hercules1 #9105

Very nic find. Worthy of another sticky! Go dcgd. Run!

JUST 10-11-12

07/16/19 2:19 PM

#9127 RE: Hercules1 #9105

Please sticky—illustrates the magnitude in deal making of our future CEO


07/16/19 2:30 PM

#9150 RE: Hercules1 #9105

Fantastic find. Thank you. Any other mod with a sticky open, check this out!

Go DCGD. Ready when you are Mr. C!


07/16/19 2:35 PM

#9159 RE: Hercules1 #9105

Yup this was the original $70m deal from 2017. I think he might also roll many more in, in a bigger deal - but I’m guessing.


07/16/19 3:01 PM

#9207 RE: Hercules1 #9105

Nice ! Thanks