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07/16/19 2:06 PM

#29354 RE: Moneymaker34 #29353

I heard it will be soon.


07/16/19 2:18 PM

#29355 RE: Moneymaker34 #29353

Isn't it normally you who has something to hint? LOL


07/16/19 5:15 PM

#29356 RE: Moneymaker34 #29353

In watching the various news announcements, commentaries and hearings within the last 4 d days in respects to crypto-currencies, The issue in support of these coins nd the Block Chain coms down to the U.S. failing as a reserve currency. Here I what is being stated.

Libra Coin: as you are all aware of, FB is developing the Libra Coin in an attempt to stabilize the world's fluctuation of currency. Our Government has expressed concerns that not enough safeguards are in place that would prevent money laundering, payments in respect to terrorism, illegal drug smuggling etc...…

The Libra Coin would be governed under SWISS law and not US law which is where the impasse now resides. Every-one is however in agreement that the US Debt (22 Trillion and rising) is now taking its toll on world currencies thus everyone (Including our own Business ((channel)) expert commentators) are stating that the Libra Coin would settle fears of a global collapse which many agree. lets be honest. we cannot even pay the interest on our debt. So, these coins and the blockchain technologies are now coming into play. Digaf, Mara, MGTI, Riot and Tzero thru OSTK have all but fallen to new lows......Except for Tzero which has just inked a deal with the Movie industry to create coin for payments.....All of our tech coins and blockchain stocks have failed to perform including BITCOIN......No Stability in BITCOIN, so what else is new.....The question you buy, sell or hold on these companies??

For myself and our investing group which controls nearly 9+ million of shares of DIGAF, we still hold firm that until the Bitcoin and LIBRA coin impasse is resolved, that these stocks will become in some cases, even less attractive in lower trading prices....

Keep in mind that 17 plus companies have supported and invested millions into the development of LIBRA and its use and trading process. Obviously something is going to give but with the US now in such financial straights in respects to the US dollar, I am betting along with others that these companies will perform and return value to all of us. Yes, It would be professional and proper that the MGMT of Digaf announce their future intentions and the progress of their SECURTUR CC application, but with them adding within 2 months nearly 600 million shares to their postings, we are all wondering as to their business savvy. Although I am a investor first and trader second, It is myself and others within my group to sit an wait until all of these issues and impasses are resolved and settled. But when GS (Cohn), Dimon of JPM Chase and others are spending their own money to get involved. I must follow my instincts.....So, comments are welcome......but at least I thought that many of you would be interested as to what is now happening within the Crypto World...….Respects as always.....The BenchLog