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07/15/19 5:59 PM

#75358 RE: trevorbc #75337 themselves are biggest frauds

Scamwarners who portray themselves as champions of fraud are in fact closet fraudsters themselves. I have gathered together now Information on 15 seperate businesses that they posted libellous comments about and refused to remove the contents unless aa’filing removal fee’ of $2000 was paid to them in bitcoins. They hide behind private domain so it is impossible to sue them. The report is being sent to the authorities to get the site taken down and the parties behind it brought to account.

Alan Jones and Scamwarners are an internet scammer.
They look for unsuspecting companies then have so called concerned citizens
post bogus information on them .....while you try to defend yourself, they post other lies.........
Alan Jones comes on and Lies more about you.
they post more false information about that company to make everyone think that the company is a scam!!
They then say that for $5,000.00 they will reasearch the LIES they POSTED.....!!!!
They wanted to charge $5,000.00 to start a review with no clear end in sight. !!!
They of course said this over the phone so I have no proof to post but I know I am not the only victim of their defamation plans...
I am starting this thread so that others know they are LIARS and CHEATS.
I know they have charged others money..... and if you fell vicitim to their defamation Scam then please post here so we can start a class action lawsuit to put them out of business.
Due to Freedom of information, I cannot just stop them in a court of law. their has to be more people who come out and make that here is our chance.
They have cost me thousands of dollars in bad press and then when I went to respond and defend myself against their LIES .....
They closed down the thread so I or anyone else could post the facts.....
they did not want the truth out because then no one would read their posts.....
Alan Jones told me he would never let the post go away because everyone thinks that scamwarners are protecting people, in fact they are extortionists taking money from innocent people.....
They are not getting a single dime from me and I am going to continue to post everywhere letting others know what SCAMMERS they are!!!!
Regardless of the legitimacy of either of these sites, it's always best to have multiple sources and not to just copy n paste someone else's stupidity.