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07/14/19 8:23 AM

#25470 RE: UCParadise #25469

We'll see a back and forth with patent amendments for quite some time as they lock down the tech. It's actually encouraging to see they are working on it.
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07/14/19 9:07 AM

#25471 RE: UCParadise #25469

Thanks again for keeping up on the Patent charge

To me it looks as the Patent Officer wants or rather tell them correction what Patent Officer wants to see

Patent Officer belittles those seeking a Patent - JMO

Time limit of 3 Months is nice but the line that they need to acknowledge within 24 Hr (I guess letting them know they received Patent Officer request for changes), and if not contacted within 24 Hrs (even gave the next one up number if can’t get the Patent Officer) — What then — Letter sent July 3rd and if USA person doing then would be July 4th needing to reply) — to me that’s even doggie

Checking further on what done and what’s not

US2015305651A1 - processing
WO2016166623A1 - Complete

The last one that says complete has this caption included for the Interlock Device I would guess as checking those being stopped would have no bases at that time but after ones convicted and being sure The convicted is the blower

[0025] In another embodiment, the device can be implemented or equipped to correlate a measured or detected THC sample to a specific subject. For example, a DNA fingerprint method can be added to the contaminant trap 34, or elsewhere inline, to detect and/or monitor who is utilizing the device (e.g., through use of the subject's saliva or other DNA sample). In this case, the THC sample measurement and the DNA sample are stored together and/or cross- reference in a way that ensures that a particular THC sample measurement and DNA sample are positively associated with each other for evidentiary purposes if necessary.

I believe the Battle will be won but Patent Officer seems to need a Vacation by reading time and time again “If the person Drawing was skilled in the Technology this wouldn’t be being redone” - Something like that anyway

Kinda like Kal writing Patent vs all the PhD’s on the sidelines

Dr Raj
Dr Brock
Dr Yost
Dr Goldberger
Dr Huestis

And even more PhD’s sitting on this Invention — I do believe they will get what BLOZF is after

Thanks again UCParadise
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Money $hot

07/14/19 2:21 PM

#25472 RE: UCParadise #25469

Patent Application - The Final Countdown?

In my layman opinion, the use of the terms "obvious to a person skilled in the science", "obvious to a person skilled in the art", "very well established in the common general knowledge (CGK) of the art", suggests the patent application is on life support.

How many bites at the apple will Cannabix get to get it right?

US Patent and Trademark Office:

Final Office Action (“Final Rejection”)

A Final Office Action is also called a Final Rejection. Id. A Final Rejection carries restrictive implications for the applicant. See MPEP § 2271. An examiner will issue a Final Rejection when the Examiner is able to makes same rejection for a second time (i.e., applicant’s Amendment did not remedy the defect and the same statutory basis for a rejection can be raised). See 37 C.F.R. § 1.113.

The name “Final Rejection” is a bit of a misnomer. Receiving a Final Rejection does not mean that a patent application has been completely rejected by the USPTO and cannot be saved. Instead, what it means is that this Second Office Action has started the final six (6) month clock on the patent application. See 35 U.S.C. § 133. Thus, time is winding down for the applicant on this filing once a Final Rejection is received.

My layman understanding of the patent process moving forward is Cannabix will either get it right this second go around, or it's back to the drawing board after 5 Years.

Just 1 opinion,

