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11/21/06 2:23 PM

#756 RE: teapeebubbles #755

the worthless word for the day is: lupercalian

[fr. L. Lupercus, god of flocks]
related to or characteristic of an ancient Roman
festival (Lupercalia) celebrated February 15 to
ensure fertility for the people, fields and flocks

ah, those fun-loving Romans, two festivals on one
day; the confusion is somewhat alleviated by this:

"After the sacrifice was over, the Luperci partook of
a meal, at which they were plentifully supplied with
wine. They then cut the skins of the goats which they
had sacrificed, into pieces; with some of which they
covered parts of their body in imitation of the god
Lupercus, who was represented half naked and half
covered with goat-skin. The other pieces of the skins
they cut into thongs, and holding them in their hands
they ran through the streets of the city, touching or
striking with them all persons whom they met in their
way, and especially women... This act of running about
with thongs of goat-skin was a symbolic purification of
the land, and that of touching persons a purification
of men, for the words by which this act is designated
are februare and lustrare. The goat-skin itself was
called februum, the festive day dies februata, the
month in which it occurred Februarius, and the god
himself Februus."
- A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities,
John Murray, London, 1875