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07/13/19 9:34 AM

#292882 RE: Anvil #292837

Don't worry. I have to go to Miami next weekend for some 200 foot yacht party with a bunch of Russians. Hopefully, I don't find myself swimming.
I get to fly home, only to fly the next day back to NY. I took an office in FIDI, Manhattan, so I gotta transfer the lease and keys to a colleague of mine. Then I fly to Nor. Cal. daughter dorm move in date. Then fly home only to fly to Europe for vaca, well east coast on Sept 20.

While in NY I have a lunch at Bobby V's on Broad, diagonally across from the NYSE, dinner at Delmonico's on Beaver, right around the corner from where Eric the CEO posted a picture of a street sign "Hanover". I have three appointments in Jersey City and one somewhere in NJ for a dinner. This is next week, not Sept.

I still know a few former colleagues at clearing firms, I will do the SEC a favor to add to my file, I will ask them a favor to Blue Sheet HHSE trades, each clearing firm can only Blue Sheet their own clients. I"ll ask them to send it to the SEC directly. They can figure out who is trading this stock. I don't want to touch the docs.

This all before I return from Rome on Sept 21.

Eric is going to have a coming to Jesus talk with himself. The manipulation is internal. And Eric knows this.

I am broke, homeless and have no job. But I have connections in high places. Including Frank G. from Lions Gate. Who do you think sat in Frank's office in the Variety Building on Wilshire Blvd. that funded him an early round through Merrill Lynch, Canada for $25 million.

Not Eric. Frank used to work for ML in Canada, it was easy.

Eric just pumps and dumps his penny stock. If he had a real project, maybe GS or ML would seed fund him for $100 million, well prolly BoA might send him to US Trust for $100 not ML, it is too small. But with Capital One suing him, prolly nobody will touch this, Eric brought it on himself.

I don't even think Maxim Group will give him $10 million. I think they are still on Lex in the Chrysler Building.

Maybe he should call Burt Arnold at BMAS in LAX, I don't think he would fund him either. But you never know.

Eric, ya need to stop ripping people off and stop lying, forensic accounting is an art, Blue Sheeting stocks takes minutes, stop threatening physical violence and stop with the abuse. Run a biz, try to raise capital the legal way.

I can be in DC on July 26 if you cannot help yourself. But I will be there the week of Sept 21, I already have a date with the Deputy Chief of Accounting that week.

It is your choice.

Be a good boy.
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07/13/19 9:41 AM

#292883 RE: Anvil #292837

Depo's, Discovery and Forensic Accounting and Blue Sheets will show everything.

Where the money was spent, contracts, lawsuits, who is trading the stock, who is boxing the market, who is buying, who is selling, is there a non broker dealer attempting to make the market illegally, among others.

This house of cards will fall.

This will fall on Eric, Don Freddy, Don Freddy's wife, Tom, the issuer, Don Freddy's estate inclusive of his mother who is passed.

This will also include Ahmune, and the promoters that magically show up around fake shareholder meetings. It will include shareholders whom show up at the office to view the books that are not 10% owners and traded on the stock the next day or two, the Blue Sheets will show their purchases just before spikes in the stock. Subpoenas will request for discovery their financial accounts that will show flight and hotels in Arkansas just days before.

This is not a joke anymore.