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07/11/19 11:33 AM

#39913 RE: USMC_OTC_MJ #39911

No question about it. Soon.


07/11/19 11:36 PM

#39946 RE: USMC_OTC_MJ #39911

Yes. As you know, VATE could turn into a rocket.


07/12/19 9:30 AM

#39952 RE: USMC_OTC_MJ #39911

Charts looking bad my friend. Pps has been steadily going down since the anticipated cross. Complete mm manipulation because nobody has a clue who vate is. Medico promised 2019 would be huge but has continual failed. Going into August soon. Maybe he meant it would be huge for himself and not his shareholder that have waited years for him to market his company effectively. I hold over 1 mil and flip hundreds of thousands of share for 20% gains every few weeks. Flip it man, don't marry it til Medico learns how to play the game.