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07/11/19 6:53 AM

#20041 RE: Ann1 #20032

Why do you think the rates need to be lowered? They are even now admitting that this has nothing to do with any recession. That's just a talking point and a lie right now. Powell is going to be questioned by lawmakers about it as to why we need this? The only reason is Trump wants it. All 3 of the last recessions were goowed by doubling gas prices. We have not had that. Although some of these lies and theatrics about Iran are being used to try and raise the gas prices for big oil profits. Rate cuts have always been reserved as a tool to get us out of a recession. If we cut rates before a recession then we can't go lower when are actually in one. This is all about stock market manipulation and appeasing the top 1%. Bitcoin is a huge threat to the good ole boy bankers. Since we now have a hedge against government theft of our wealth by crashing the economy and wiping out everyone's 401k wealth by putting our money in Bitcoin they will now just give free money to the rlites to keep power. The entire idea of George bush in the year 2000 of putting all our money in 401k stocks was fine so they could crash the economy and steal the wealth from the people and keep power. Do a little research. Do some homework.