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07/10/19 3:46 PM

#17040 RE: HugeSeci #17039

Agreed. I was moreso saying the parent companies with big money would step in and settle potentially, obviously not Lee Allen/Allen Lee, his net worth is pocket change in the grand scheme of things.

As I said before, I don't think the Utah case is where the money is. Abba can disagree, we're allowed to have different view points lol. The defendants listed (regardless of who their parent companies are) are way too small time to generate hundreds of millions. If the possibility to get that money out of them was real, they wouldn't be talking about RICO, too much time and money would need to go into it - I believe they said 1 mil/2 years once they get representation. They're not going to impose RICO just for "justice" - this is all being done for financial gain

Our best case scenario is parent companies step in to try and settle for big money. Otherwise we're looking at 2+ years for a massive payday. That doesn't mean we can't profit in the short term. Even if Utah awards them 30 mil after expenses on their end, PPS will skyrocket from these levels. Pretty much all weak hands were shaken out already - confirmed by the fact that nobody can get shares when they're trying. And trust me, even if we're on the greys, if people see a 30 million dollar company with a market cap of 1 mil they'll want in in droves.