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07/08/19 9:11 PM

#88110 RE: dina25 #88106

Financing - LOLOL!

Garcia couldn't finance a Happy Meal.



07/09/19 8:33 AM

#88112 RE: dina25 #88106

Nice try... Trying to put words in my mouth is bad posting. Comprehension I see is not a strong suit...

The next time financials will be seen is when hell freezes over. That might be the truest statement here. Can you comprehend?

Come on man... You can do better then that! Trying to make sh#^ up off of posts here shows me your getting desperate....LMAO!

Again... Nice try though! That crap doesn't work here. Remember.. There are lots of bag-holders here who have been through every bogus post concerning finances that you could imagine since 2010/11.

How much dilution today?