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07/03/19 8:58 AM

#280986 RE: BidnessMan #280984

Not if you're on a well traveled street in Vegas. People will naturally walk in.


07/03/19 9:22 AM

#280988 RE: BidnessMan #280984

Yes! I have only bought online. But one thing to note, 9 cbd products were tested for content. Exactly one of the 9 had the amount of CBD claimed on the label in its product. 3 guesses which company.


07/03/19 2:30 PM

#281019 RE: BidnessMan #280984

Interesting comment from my other board about someone who opened a CBD store. Doesn't surprise me one bit as crypto and cbd sector's are smoking every other sector in the market today. They can't even get close. Not sure of the location.

There is so many indicators that the CBD market is big and getting bigger every single day.

For example today a patient came in and told me a man she knows here in town opened up a CBD store some while back. He now has five stores. And he started with not much money.

The dollars flowing into CBD cannot be denied. The forces pushing this forward also cannot be denied. Big time players in the government want it. Therefore it’s going to happen the question is how long. We know the FDA is having another discussion on July 16. Congress is pushing them along. Some states are making their own rules about CBD and beverages and in candy bars. It’s happening.