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07/08/19 10:49 AM

#21336 RE: planetaryfuture #21333

Facebook Cryptocurrency Proposal Points Toward "Financial-Crisis" Solution .....

Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency proposal may hold instrumental structural content toward resolving the apparent unfolding Global Financial Crisis .....

I realize this subject is the focus of many diverse opinions from a variety of perspectives as "status quo" concerns struggle to retain their grip of absolute power and authority ..... while conveniently ignoring the fact that the Central Banking agenda ..... the so-called "Federal Reserve System" ..... as currently practiced has seemingly enslaved the entire scaffolding of our great Nation with an impossible debt-load to reasonably retire ..... while effectively subjecting all American citizens to an eternity of "indentured servitude" .....

To many savvy observers ..... the time to make more prudent fiscal decisions seems long overdue ..... Both of our elected Congressional bodies appear to be unwilling and unable to act wisely for the benefit of all people ..... both domestically and globally ..... since a churning economic crisis in America with its soaring 22 trillion dollar national deficit directly effects the rest of the globe in very profound terms .....

It takes "perspective" to understand the nature of the broader issue ..... which can be imparted by way of education ..... I got lucky this last weekend by encountering the "ten-episode discussions" conveyed by a free-thinking individual ..... Mike Maloney .... who had been locked into gold-silver asset allocation until he discovered the potential value of cryptocurrency by episode #8 ..... Maloney then declared his intentions to bolster 10% of his portfolio with cryptocurrency investments .....

I can comfortably comment ..... this appears to be "just the tip of the iceberg" in terms of what I now see as a revolutionary technological quantum-shift about to break loose ..... Only because I set-aside about 5-hours to digest the information stream in the complete series of 10-episodes which I highly recommend to serious Investors looking toward historical perspective and potential solutions on the horizon ....

The first two episodes introduce "Money versus Currency" and the "Seven Stages of Empire" ..... by way of examining the historical parallel of the Roman Empire to the unfolding of American history ..... by episode #10 Mr. Maloney gets to the theme of ..... "American Bread and Circus" ..... which leads to the ultimate deconstruction of the "Empire" .....

In my opinion ..... the series of 10 episodes do not need to be reviewed in linear order ..... though I personally feel it would be a big mistake to not hear them all .....

You will find links below to the three episodes I mention by way of introduction to this very compelling and pervasive issue with respect to securing a more solidly grounded fiscal footing ..... for what clearly looks like a "failing global economy" ..... due to the inherent nature of the "Central Banking system" .... even a semi-bright teenager could spot !!! .....

Feel free to make your own decision after setting aside some time to do the research ..... I suspect Facebook will also find a good deal of important information imparted by way of these contributions made by ..... Mike Maloney .... New technological breakthrough's Facebook will likely get excited about !!! .....

"Money versus Currency" - Episode 1

"Seven Stages of Empire" - Episode 2

"Bread and Circus" . Episode 10

Best Wishes