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07/01/19 8:43 AM

#87971 RE: dina25 #87969

pina coladas dont exist. coldwell banker and remax manipulated by Ryan. $afpw


07/01/19 9:16 AM

#87973 RE: dina25 #87969

LMAO..... The building of houses certainly won't be coming from this scam. They don't have $10's to buy twinkies.... Some of the posts here are hilarious and as many of us know are outright lies... Show us some official purchase and agreements documents? Show us banking communications that involves those properties. Hearsay on social Media isn't official anything btw.

How much dilution will take place this week?

Weeks end: .0001/.0002 again for the past 2-3 years if not longer.

The wind blows heavy here on this board and nothing ever comes to fruition... NEVER!