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06/29/19 2:06 PM

#167550 RE: BesaoT35 #167547

Pharmacokenetics, or the study of, allows labs to measure the absorption amount, rate of absorption, and length of time a particular ingredient/compound is retained within a body/cell mass. The current study on OWCP's sublingual tablet is seeking to compare the pharmacokenetics with that of GWPH's Sativa. There are two variable delivery systems being compared in this study ( a smaller bonus will be two biotech companies doing MMJ research also being compared). Study supposed to complete mid-July and we should know something within 6 weeks after all data is analyzed.

There are other variables that can also affect our SP in the near future: patent approvals, beginning of psoriasis phase 2 clinicals, additions/changes to personnel, and maybe some funding. JMHO.


06/29/19 4:02 PM

#167555 RE: BesaoT35 #167547

The psoriasis cream is supposed to contain THC - so the cream could only be sold where legalization has occurred with the caveat that OWCP would have to manufacture the psoriasis cream in each state.

OWCP couldn't export the the psoriasis cream from Israel to the US.

And according to the Cole Memorandum products containing THC can't transported across state lines.

And there are plenty of CBD infused creams - hardly anything to get excited about.



06/29/19 5:13 PM

#167562 RE: BesaoT35 #167547

Well said, Tom. I personally know a couple of elderly (that I help) that they cannot smoke and we know it is mostly the elderly that have a lot of ache and pain. So, OWCP sublingual with precise dosage will be the solution for them and for an eventual insurance acceptance when the right time comes in our country.
I also totally agree with you about the pain of having bought at $2. Hopefully, as you also said, all works out at the end for the shareholders.

Cannabis is already being consumed for numerous conditions but the problem is getting to a precise dosage and known absorption rate to the blood circulation.

Eating cookies or brownies has variable dosage delivery and time until physiological onset. Smoking is not a healthy route of administration. Vaping is a better way and maybe the best known way up to do the job in a healthy predictable way up to now.

A sublingual tablet allows for absorption faster and bypasses the liver. It could make good sense. It could be compliant with what a medical doctor would like to see a patient take. To tell patients to smoke joints does not seem optimal for medicine