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11/20/06 8:48 PM

#184666 RE: asus #184657

good for you Asus, I think that was valuable and perhaps you will hear back from someone. Its good to know that Petar is in town. (Although having a message from him on voicemail caould be from anywhere) The key thing is that because you called Sulja's wife, the message will egt through.
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11/20/06 8:48 PM

#184667 RE: asus #184657

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fla trader

11/20/06 8:48 PM

#184669 RE: asus #184657

asus Sounds good, I hope she is,nt blasted with calls, and let us know if you get a call back.
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11/20/06 8:49 PM

#184670 RE: asus #184657

Good job asus.
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11/20/06 8:49 PM

#184671 RE: asus #184657

Asus, Is Steve aware that he is on the BOD of SLJB?
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11/20/06 8:49 PM

#184672 RE: asus #184657

asus, Thanks for that update. em
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11/20/06 8:50 PM

#184673 RE: asus #184657

I didn't talk to Steve's wife but I did stay at a Holiday in last night !
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11/20/06 8:51 PM

#184676 RE: asus #184657

asus--good DD!!
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11/20/06 8:52 PM

#184678 RE: asus #184657

great post
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11/20/06 8:52 PM

#184680 RE: asus #184657

Good work asus......some hope is better then

The Dr...

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11/20/06 8:53 PM

#184682 RE: asus #184657

asus-The Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted hostage, in which the hostage exhibits loyalty to the hostage-taker, in spite of the danger (or at least risk) in which the hostage has been placed. Stockholm syndrome is also sometimes discussed in reference to other situations with similar tensions, such as battered person syndrome, child abuse cases, and bride kidnapping.

Origin of the name
The syndrome is named after the Norrmalmstorg robbery of Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg, Stockholm, Sweden, in which the bank robbers held bank employees hostage from August 23 to August 28, 1973. In this case, the victims became emotionally attached to their victimizers, and even defended their captors after they were freed from their six-day ordeal. The term was coined by the criminologist and psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, who assisted the police during the robbery, and referred to the syndrome in a news broadcast.

It is sometimes referred to as Helsinki Syndrome; however, this may simply be due to the erroneous naming of the syndrome in popular media, for example by a news reader in the first Die Hard film.

Famous possible cases

Patty Hearst helped the SLA rob a bank two months after her kidnappingMillionaire heir Patty Hearst, after having been kidnapped by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Her unsuccessful legal defense was that she suffered from Stockholm syndrome and was coerced into aiding the SLA. She was convicted and imprisoned for her actions in the robbery, though her sentence was commuted in February 1979 by President Jimmy Carter, and she received a Presidential pardon from Bill Clinton.
Elizabeth Smart, a 14-year-old girl, was allegedly kidnapped and repeatedly raped by the mentally ill Brian David Mitchell who coerced and molested her during the months of June 2002 to March 2003; after initial harsh imprisonment, Smart spent several months living physically unrestrained with her captors. However, this may not be a case of Stockholm Syndrome because she kept a journal in French about how much she hated her abductors, and she claims to have only co-operated out of fear.[1]
Japanese abducted to North Korea during the late 1970s and early 1980s. After five of them were allowed to return to Japan in October 2002, they exhibited behavior of submission to the North Korean regime and, given that the regime would not allow their North Korean-born children to join them in Japan right away, attempted to go back there to join them; however, their Japanese families, seeing this as symptoms of brainwashing, restrained them, and eventually the former abductees shed their North Korean identities symbolically by shedding the pins with pictures of previous dictator Kim Il Sung on them during a press conference and denouncing the North Korean regime as a "criminal state" in subsequent interviews, which eventually led to the release of their children in 2004.
Japanese embassy hostage crisis in December 1996 is currently touted as an example of a so-called Lima syndrome in which the opposite effects from the Stockholm syndrome came into light. Rather than the captives becoming submissive, this incident showed signs of the MRTA guerillas becoming more sympathetic to the plights and needs of their hostages.

Other uses
Outside of the criminal context, a form of the syndrome may take place in military basic training, in which "training is a mildly traumatic experience intended to produce a bond," with the goal of forming military units which will remain loyal to each other even in life-threatening situations.[citation needed]

Loyalty to a more powerful abuser — in spite of the danger that this loyalty puts the victim in — is common among victims of domestic abuse, battered partners and child abuse (dependent children). In many instances the victims choose to remain loyal to their abuser, and choose not to leave him or her, even when they are offered a safe placement in foster homes or safe houses. This syndrome was described by psychoanalysts of the object relations theory school (see Fairbairn) as the phenomenon of psychological identification with the more powerful abuser.

Evolutionary and psychoanalytic explanations

For an interpretation of the syndrome from the perspective of evolutionary psychology, see capture-bonding.

According to the psychoanalytic view of the syndrome, the tendency might well be the result of employing the strategy evolved by newborn babies to form an emotional attachment to the nearest powerful adult in order to maximize the probability that this adult will enable - at the very least - the survival of the child, if not also prove to be a good parental figure. This syndrome is considered a prime example for the defense mechanism of identification.

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11/20/06 8:54 PM

#184683 RE: asus #184657

Thanks for your efforts
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11/20/06 8:56 PM

#184685 RE: asus #184657

Good Stuff!! That will definately drive the point home that the shareholders WANT SOME ANSWERS!!!!!
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11/20/06 8:56 PM

#184687 RE: asus #184657

i agree with you... i don't believe that anybody else should follow up call the Sulja family residence, but i'm glad that you took the initative to do so. sounds like you handled the call real well. hopefully you'll get a return call back. sometimes it takes a good woman to get their men back in line. at least you had a chance to voice your concern and with any luck she'll pass this concern onto those involved (not like they don't already know).

its a stretch, but hey, we're dangling from the edge of a cliff here. nice job.
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11/20/06 9:00 PM

#184700 RE: asus #184657

excellent asus and your conclusion he's one of the good guys!maybe he is caught in the middle of something beyond his control. Way to go dude!! or dudette
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11/20/06 9:01 PM

#184703 RE: asus #184657

asus....Good work
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11/20/06 9:07 PM

#184715 RE: asus #184657

See this is what I mean, look at how far some people will go to get information. Calling the guys wife at home. What good did it do to voice your concerns to the man's wife. All you did was upset her and may make Petar even more angry at us penny players..
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11/20/06 9:09 PM

#184718 RE: asus #184657

It is too bad it has come to calling people at their homes, and I do feel sorry for those not involved with this that are put in the middle...but I couldnt thank you enough, we need answers.

And obviously if he just left a message today, they are still working together, somehow.
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11/20/06 9:12 PM

#184728 RE: asus #184657

Hello asus, thankyou for the update. One of the reasons for my posting the PR;s of several mths ago was the fact all had a common factor, "CEO Steve Sulja name on them".

When people say, Don't call Peters home, he has a family and children, well so do I and what has transpired on Now 16 and 17 and today makes me sick. The things I read that Peter says about the shareholders is enough reason to see this clown is not CEO material. So effective Tues, Resign Petar, give it up to someone who has regards for the shareholders and of himself!

Tks to everyone who keeps working on righting the ship!
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11/20/06 9:21 PM

#184749 RE: asus #184657

i wonder if the message from petar was to get the hell out of town before the lynch mob arrives.
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11/20/06 9:28 PM

#184764 RE: asus #184657

Thanks loads, Asus. I am sorry too that it had to come to this. I actually spoke with Petar's wife (from whom he is separated) the other day by accident, thinking I was calling his new residence number. I was very nice to her, of course she knew nothing, and I apologized profusely for bothering her. Merely left my name and number and asked if she would pass along the message if she spoke with Petar.

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11/20/06 9:35 PM

#184787 RE: asus #184657

Thanks, Asus. For some reason, that conversation made me feel much better.
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11/20/06 9:46 PM

#184817 RE: asus #184657

Hello Asus.. Thanks for all your efforts..FFB-Fish
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Wit 1

11/20/06 10:23 PM

#184882 RE: asus #184657


It's Wit, just registered, I only have two posts after this one, at least till tomorrow that is. Someone else had Wit, so had to be Wit 1.

Feel free to "put it all out there".
I don't care anymore.
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Fishing for bucks

11/20/06 10:50 PM

#184959 RE: asus #184657

A very much needed call. Thanks.
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xs pennies

11/20/06 11:04 PM

#185019 RE: asus #184657

asus - thanks for your efforts. somehow this seems like calling Tony Soprano's wife though.
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11/20/06 11:05 PM

#185021 RE: asus #184657

Thanks for the information. I still have faith in Petar. Not exactly happy with the silence from him but like more of us have said today, there is more behind the scenes that we know about. Hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel. GLTA
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11/21/06 12:09 AM

#185214 RE: asus #184657

Thank you Asus. It does help keep some hope for me. I appreciate your intiative and the fact too that someone else agreed PV doesn't seem like the type to scam someone in their opinion.

I still have to think with all that has gone on, if this were a scam it would have to be from many large players and not just a handful of people. Hopefully, by everyone focusing on trying to just get facts and contributing factual info, things will come to a happy conclusion soon for the longs here. imo

Thanks again for your efforts. - laf

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11/21/06 12:54 AM

#185296 RE: asus #184657

i've called the chamber of commerce Dubai today and asked about Sulja.I spelled the name several times and unfortunately they told me they have no information about the company at all.
This is the reason why i sold my last shares today.