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06/27/19 2:16 PM

#95063 RE: bobwill9 #95061

On three sides I have ranchers.

They have lots of very large cattle and they are the problem guys. The fourth side is bordered by a walnut orchard (and they have farm animals too but they keep them well penned up).

But on those three sides those ranchers and I are separated by mountain ranges and barbed wire fences (put in by the ranchers) which aren't well maintained. Sometimes their cattle wander through/over/under the fences and cross over mountains onto my property and cause damage to trees and bushes I've planted. That royally pisses me off. That underlined area is where 80% of the grass is that attracts the cattle.

You can't just tell a cow or bull to go ahead and eat all the grass you want, but don't you dare start nibbling on the leaves and branches of these young trees and shrubs I've planted. And you can't tell them to quit trampling over those things either. Well, you can tell them that, but it goes in one ear and out the other or out their ass.

So ... I turn my GS dogs loose to terrorize them and chase them back where they came from, or onto a neighbor's property, then I call their owner and suggest that they better get their fences in better shape or some of their animals could get seriously injured as they get all tangled up in a piece-of-crap barbed wire fence, or they could easily break a leg as the dogs force them to jump off a vertical drop into Cooper Creek when the water is low or plum dried out for the rest of the summer.