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06/26/19 2:38 PM

#38801 RE: JBS678 #38800

Yeah Chris is very upset about how things are going in regards to the treatment of the company, the accountants and partners.
I didn't know people were threatening his family that is never OK guys please there is a difference between an upset call or email, meme or something of that nature and threatening a person and that's never OK please never ever do that to anyone regardless of what you believe they have done.

Also i am working hard on getting this to move forward soo please I ask everyone to spread the word, let me work and support the cease fire.

Thank you


06/26/19 2:39 PM

#38804 RE: JBS678 #38800

TOG! Or... Tim? Have any opinions on current events? Addressing previous post, at least the guy is still making an attempt to answer (although resorting to threats and hate mail is absolutely uncalled for); can’t say same for Tim Armes...... I think the dude is a P.O.S.


06/26/19 2:53 PM

#38810 RE: JBS678 #38800

That’s terrible if it’s true..

However, both of them are liars and thieves. Which is actually true...


06/26/19 3:01 PM

#38814 RE: JBS678 #38800

Mmmmm.. I don't know what to think about this.

The one's taking a hit at the moment are the shareholders. Nothing has happened to Chris or Tim yet.

Although I do not agree in making threats, I also don't believe a public company should be operating the way FLES has been over the last several weeks. But as they say, two wrongs do not make a right.

We just need FLES to release some news on their plan. ANY information from Exec Mgmt at this point would help with crowd control.

Everyone here is busy making conjectures and posting their assumptions. Some people appear to be having a nervous melt down. It's really quite entertaining.

You say you've spoken to Chris, and Chris isn't happy either. I really question that. I don't understand the strategy of keeping things under such tight wraps when the situation appears to be spiraling out of control, and a simple honest statement can repair most of the damage caused over the last several weeks. Whats stopping Chris from making a statement?

Aaaaanyway, we're coming up to the close of today's trading and we're at a lower volume than yesterday. I don't know what to make of this. I was thinking the pps would drop to try and move more shares, but it looks like someone is trying to regulate the price back up closer to .09. Weird.

I'm still planning to pick up more shares on Friday, i wonder how much I'd be able to get.


06/26/19 3:25 PM

#38823 RE: JBS678 #38800

That’s wild if it’s true, but not entirely surprising. It’s a horrible situation for everyone, I sincerely hope Tim is doing everything in his power to fix his dumpster fire for the sake of Chris and everyone involved(us).

I can’t imagjne he would be willing to put Chris and himself through this type of stress and anxiety willingly unless there’s something severely wrong going on in his head. We’re so far off course it’s hard to tell anymore.