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06/26/19 11:29 AM

#38735 RE: SittingPretty #38734

I think it’s worth a shot. Tim needs to communicate with shareholders and make things more transparent.

He hasn’t been completely honest with us and we are being kept in the dark more other than not!


06/26/19 11:33 AM

#38743 RE: SittingPretty #38734

Thanks for sharing. Should sticky this lol


06/26/19 11:42 AM

#38746 RE: SittingPretty #38734

Thank you - good info. I will definitely contact. I have contacted other lawyers and they do not want to take part of this - mainly because the time, effort, energy to getting this through court and getting funds from an OTC stock, is not worth it... that has been the sentiment from colleagues, other investor groups, and legal entities that I associate with. Many have advised me to take my loss and walk away...

Maybe if we get enough sentiment pushing to contact lawyers, they stop the dilution and produce the 10K.

........Then we see the real shit hit the fan. I believe they have produced lies - meaning they do not have 9M in revenue and they have diluted to the tune of 7-8M shares. They have dangled carrots for people only to keep people interested long enough to dilute the hell out of this stock. That being said, I return to the thought of contacting the lawyer. I NEVER post on stock boards, NEVER, but this ticker has gotten me so unraveled and irritated because of the way they ran this scam.