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SF Wolf

06/25/19 7:07 PM

#11735 RE: Wildginger #11734

"If it weren’t for the near-total dominance of the idea that #amyloid is the only appropriate drug target,” Daniel Alkon said, “we would be 10 or 15 years ahead of where we are now.”

That quote rings true. Big Pharma has flushed billions on amyloid treatments while small AD companies with promising research avenues are starved for funds. Hopefully, Neurotrope will put an end to that folly.


06/26/19 1:25 PM

#11738 RE: Wildginger #11734

Finally got a chance to read the entire article. Very enlightening as to the research war dollars and a mindset that did not allow for alternative ideas to BP and plaque. Explained how BP essentially kept other companies down, blackballing research and limiting funding/partnership opportunities. Several who have been in the field for decades (Alkon and Dr Perry included) express how the entire arena would be 5 or 10 or even 15 years further down the road. In fact Alkon tells of an instance years back where he met with BP and they were only interested in the plaque instead of repairing synapses because they thought plaque was the only solution. He wouldn't reveal the BP name to preserve the relationship for potential future collaborations he said. Fact is if you're out there with an unique MOA, you are basically on your own until you prove yourself no matter what your early data looks like. It mentions our current trial had mixed results when earlier reported fyi. Very impressed with Sharon Begley and her openness to AD research and she normally includes Alkon in these articles. Hopefully she'll have more to right about in 2 months.