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06/19/19 7:15 PM

#157973 RE: arachnodude #157968

"No offense, Mojo, but I prefer to wait and see what our CEO's plans are"

of course you only been here since yesterday...many have been here for ten years waiting to see what kims plans are and we are still waiting....

"Plus, I just told you, he's slow-walking things at this point for a reason."

yea...and as I have already told you, hes slow walking it because hes just really fricken SLOW...I know the temptation is to think that hes got some grand plan...but I really think hes just slow, lazy and doesn't really give a damn..

weve had a number of pr's that came out and raised the pps..I speculated that it was because he may FINALLY be obtaining some form of financing and needed a higher pps..well here it is...after its announced and the pps pops, I think kim goes back to being kim...

"I trust our CEO is being deliberate in his actions based on reasons he believes will make the stock "pop" when he knows it should."

his need for a pop is over..

"I'm pretty sure at this point in the game he understands what momentum he wants"

his need for momentum is over..we get a pop with the next few pr's, then its back to the sos as before...

"IMO, he's finally feeling confident he can direct things where he wants them to go."

a competent ceo would have figured that out about 9 yrs ago...

"It is my sincere belief at a certain point in time you will see his vision, too."

if his vision involves slow walking then no, I will never see it...he needs to put down the joint and start hitting the pipe...

"You should be ecstatic."

I very happy with the current pps..but if theres more to be had then lets KICK IT IN GEAR AND GET IT DONE...

I have seen ten years of slow walking and am not impressed with the results...I need this ceo on steroids...