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06/18/19 12:52 PM

#535127 RE: nagoya1 #535107

"Why do you suppose that there's no plan from the WH...."
Because like the rest of the world who is following this, they have NO clue what the outcome will be, so why devise a plan based on an unknown

"They will have a plan after the EN BANC ruling."
Yes they will. And until they KNOW what that ruling is, this is not going to be a front burner item for them,

"Trump will use the ruling to illustrate the past misdeeds of the DEM govt to his advantage.(I know I would.)"
Trump has had 2.5 years to expose this and use the misdeeds of the DEMS to his advantage, yet strangely he did not for the Mid-Terms and likely will not for the General Election cycle. This is Mnuchin's baby, and he's desparately trying to figure out a way to keep his allegiance to WS and TBTF which keeps me awake at night considering he could effectively end the NWS by simply stating the Treasury will no longer take it from the GSE's and allow them to retain their own earnings. 2.5 years later, no such action and next NWS to happen like clockwork.

"It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to get a pretty good picture after listening to the judges."
If this were so cut and dry, Lamberth would have ruled differently at the outset, Sweeney would have ended discovery years ago and allowed this to go to trial (which will likely NEVER Happen), and en banc might have ruled earlier.