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06/18/19 10:11 AM

#120824 RE: chereb19 #120823

I don't have a Twitter account do you know if he tweeted anything on this


06/19/19 1:35 AM

#120866 RE: chereb19 #120823

Well I spoke too soon on news not being released aha.

As for George I just got a vibe from him being removed from the consultant section of radiogel website, not commenting on Twitter in a while as well as blocking anyone who had a question in regards to radiogel.
This was obviously my assumption which turned out to be wrong.

However! I feel as though he could be more involved like he used to including more frequent updates and effort although that is relative to how much he is being incorporated by them so we will see.
I guess now we can assume he still holds his shares.

I am long and hope all for the best the previous comments were made under an impatient reaction.
Wish us all good fortune and hope the best for RDGL as this activity will benefit many and has the potential to save many lives, which is why I have been long in the first place.