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06/18/19 12:05 PM

#15375 RE: richbob #15373

although recent attacks on petroleum ships have not had as much of an impact on crude prices as it could have

Well gee, wonder why?

Can't be because the Saudis, and Russians have surplus production capacity - right?

US oil inventory back up to 485M barrels. And it's light oil, not heavy preferred by US refineries. Venezuela needs light oil to mix or blend with their heavy oil. However, their oil production has gone down into the toilet. Forget exporting light oil there.

Pipeline capacity not to be solved for the Permian till late 2020. US Gulf infrastructure in need of expansion. China even offered to kick in a chunk of money - before the trade war. It's not looking to do so now. Neither is China going to rush back in to buy US light, after an agreement has been papered over. The net result is US light oil from frac-ing continues to pile up.

and oil fracking here has been on a rise, reportedly making the US now the largest oil producer in the world

Forget the China-US trade war has placed a damper on the global economy. Taking down WTI prices down 20% in recent weeks. Forget the so called booming Shale industry which has been cutting Capex, and still 9 out of 10 Shale oil companies are burning through cash with negative cash flow.

Forget all of that, and let's try for the biggy question:

How does DDCC a company that does not even hold the license for their imaginary Translock containers (e.g. Their Pres Lopez held it at last check), benefit? Benefit with a downturn in the Shale market already started. How does DDCC with no manufacturing capability benefit? How do they receive orders for Translock containers with no means to manufacture them? Or to profit from them - Lopez as holder of the patent would be the only one benefiting from the imaginary Translock containers. As in an imaginary benefit. How does DDCC SHs benefit, given the SEC has delisted the stock? How does DDCC which was never anything other than a scam suddenly create value for SHs as a private company? When they have nothing to create value with, other than their scam tarnished reputation.

It doesn't matter whether oil goes up/down or around- does it? The DDCC scam is dead. No, one can forget about DDCC re-registering, and committing a self hanging in front of the SEC. The SEC ran them out of the market.