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06/17/19 3:56 PM

#167831 RE: Lloyd Cannabinoid #167828

Not with a billion authorized shares it won't. Maybe you have info many of us on this board aren't privy to. If so, please enlighten us. Tks.


06/17/19 4:11 PM

#167833 RE: Lloyd Cannabinoid #167828

too much corp structure ruins value proposition. diamond is a company owned by a company owned by a company. whatever revs come in will be cannibalized and used up by all parent co owners and it's other failing subs.

plus you get stuck with the dis-benefit of all that corp debt structure.

no bueno.

want to see a chart rocket? break off diamond under its own ticker, or, have diamond buy out the parent structure, nuke the subs, and become the single entity owner of POTN. diamond would then simply be a brand label product of POTN. all generated revs are right to the single entity bottom line. expenses / overheads are reduced. a clean structure any investor can get behind.