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06/14/19 11:40 PM

#11201 RE: krays #11198

imnsho -

For about 3 years+, the ruling sign has been "show me profitability" "or else".

The end.

Patience runs out for that and this is what happens.

"survive" does not matter, not even a little bit.

The word "profitable" matters. Entirely.

Either you can perform or you can't, and enough is enough.

We're down to the wire on that. Can you imagine turning over twice the volume of the outstanding shares in a single session ? Go figure...

Not to be insensitive. But, you asked a fair question, here is a fair answer. ( and I remain long - but my position is well paid for already )

In all respects, if it looks like a dilution scam and smells like a dilution scam, then maybe it is just a legitimate business that will soon be profitable...

How many years in a row do you have to put up with that before the longest long has aged to ash...

This is the market's way of saying "You want to raise funds again and dilute more? Fine... you won't get very much and it will be for the last time."


06/15/19 12:59 AM

#11202 RE: krays #11198

I've been wondering why companies that seem to have the greatest potential for good seem to get done the most dirt...


06/15/19 2:46 PM

#11210 RE: krays #11198

krays I believe you answered this question in an earlier post where you said Hercules and the Pref shareholder are likely behind this. We have only to look to "who benefits most from this?" Hercules and the Pref holder are holding the cards.

Your prescription of paying off Hercules and making monthly payments in cash instead of shares to the Pref holder is the right medicine.

As you have previously stated, an equity position in FCEL by Exxon could finance the above....and I believe "provide the antidote to the toxic debt."

It was very curious to me that the annual meeting was at the Pref holder's office....when the consensus is they are shorting the sh*t out of FCEL stock and behind the downfall. Whose decision was it to hold the meeting there?


Reading between the lines, I believe Bottone was behind the Series C and D Prefs against Bishop's wishes or if its not that then I believe Bishop is next to go. Clearly, Bottone as CEO didn't understand the likely ramifications of such financing. Additionally, Bottone is likely also behind why resolution with the POSCO arbitration hasn't happened although I believe it will now soon be resolved. With Bottone out of the way and Huron at the helm, Exxon came in with the licensing and $10M just at the right time, and what is converging now is DOE FCEL Exxon domestically and possibly FCEL POSCO Exxon in South Korea "worldwide." It is interesting to me that Exxon's MCFC license is "worldwide" when POSCO holds MCFC license for Asia. Did I miss something?