<<I guess I've grown more pessimistic in this world of pinks>>
Among different investment tools pinkies' place is somewhere next to the poker game – higher than lottery tickets but below the “big board” stocks. I mean – you need skills and experience to win, but it’s still a gamble. The rule is: don’t make big stakes, which you can’t afford to lose, and diversify. I like the signature I saw somewhere on iHub, something like this: “It’s easy to invest in good stock, but you need to do a lot of DD to convince yourself to buy a garbage.” :) That’s the reason of all disasters we see on iHub. People put all their life savings in a penny with “good DD”. I am not the smartest investor and don’t have millions to invest, but I (we) do have a stable source of income (jobs), small real estate investments (rental properties), sizeable i-Bonds position, and some “solid” stocks on IRA. Those funds are “untouchable” survival kit, and I would never move them to the pinky world. Pennies couldn’t be the source of income if you are not a professional player. You can not make living by playing poker, but you can learn not to lose money, and even win a couple of games. :)
IMO (I hope this didn’t sound like a lecture)