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09/20/19 2:37 PM

#87070 RE: Maria56 #85243

AHIX...gOOD INFO. THANK YOU. Memories of things I used to post over the year now and then strting on the RB board. But soon realized people believe what they want to and don't add 'Logic' to one of the 'buy/sell' I concluded, with subbers, 'True Knowing' knowing you will probably never know what is going on behind closed doors of the stocks you invest in. Know you don't know what, when, where, or how what is happening or going to happen. For sudden pr's about R/S, F/S, trading halts to BK filings....I have been through them all. Then know you will probably never 'really' know why they failed...unless there are court cases you care to follow. Gimbling taught me if I make the 'Hard 8' I don't let it ride....I take my bet $ back and half what I won....then play some more..but not the 'hard 8' again for a…... Same with subbers. The hot market a while back we all waited and often got that '10 bagger'....they are rare now so I enjoy 10 '5 baggers' and leave some chips on the table in case I missed a 10 or 20...or ??? I won't feel bad about selling to soon by keeping a little....that has at times really paid off. lol