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06/13/19 1:59 PM

#231351 RE: Rigamortis Raccoon #231319

I've mentioned the same recently, but my feeling is that the majority of the attention is coming from bashers or burned shareholders. The stock is waffling between .0005 and .0008 with limited to non-existent liquidity. In actuality, the charade has been over for a while, the only thing keeping this ticker on the radar is the nonstop bleating from the scorn.

The constant hating, at this point, is actually doing more harm than good because it is the only thing causing this ticker to get any attention. It's time to turn the page so this thing can fade into irrelevance where it belongs, along with Steve Berman's grandiose delusions.

If the hating subsided, what would be left? A couple dozen copy and paste, pump schlock posts that would be ignored by everyone as empty white noise?