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06/12/19 10:02 PM

#534177 RE: beernance #534176

80% is my guess


06/12/19 10:08 PM

#534178 RE: beernance #534176

We haven’t see the classified docs. So, 40.


06/12/19 10:30 PM

#534182 RE: beernance #534176

Odds en banc ruling will go the way of Sweeney’s?

I.e. the weasels will find a way not to rule until settlement, because ruling against the Gov is career suicide (will never get nominated to a higher court)

Apples and oranges, in my opinion. Sweeney just got the final brief a month ago and hasn't ruled on the motion to dismiss yet. Her timeline is still far off. Lamberth set a trial date for late 2020 and Sweeney's would likely be after that.

The Fifth Circuit, on the other hand, will (ostensibly soon) be releasing its final opinion on the matter. At least, if it's a reversal of the merits panel decision. There's a chance they could remand the case back down.

I expect Sweeney's cases to all be settled. The administration doesn't have time to wait for a final ruling.


06/13/19 1:38 AM

#534192 RE: beernance #534176

I do not have high hopes that they will rule in our favor. I know everything points to a positive outcome but it never seems to go that way for FNMA. My guess is most of us here will get all hyped up only to drop a buck. I remember sitting at above 4 for months and then bam a bad court ruling. I sure hope I’m wrong but I’ve just been conditioned to think the worst at this point and I’m really getting tired of it.


06/13/19 11:22 AM

#534252 RE: beernance #534176

i'm optimistic about the en banc..

but you need to study how many en bancs end up in rulings that changed the court's opinion... and what the oral arguments went like.

tldr; nws is dead, by admin later this year... but at this rate en banc looks like it might come first assuming treasury plan doesn't change it this month.

the real question is the lamberth lawsuit, how does that impact settlement terms if at all?